[cranky pants]

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Next morning
I yawn waking to the alarm clock - see as expected my roommate was just loesly asleep so I just went to get ready for the day.

Seeing as I have my first class in an hour - computer codex hour.. from my understanding it gives you cheat codes to the kyes - and behind the Sean's to make pretty things.

(Beware idk if this is a thing - I never had a Collage course I'm still a highschooler)

As I was eating my amintly slightly burnt sunny side up egg I heard rumaging in my room - oh joy I have to deal with a asshole at 7 am.

"Good moring sleepy chef" I teased him.

"Oh shut up" he yawned looking to me with a sleepy look before looking off at the clock.

He's kinda pretty just wakeing up ... his moring voice is... his hair all messy it'd utter...

Wait why am I thinking of a pumps asshole so highly - when he himself already considers himself some kind of high power.

I gronw and clean off my plate, "this is going to be a great year huh, you still mange to be a asshole when you just woke up"

He looked at me - furry in his eyes, "I wouldn't say asshole." He's snap.

"Grumpy?" I corrected myself, "is that what you'd perfer"

"I'd perfer of you shut you're *mubble* annoying mouth" punz snapped at me before looking off softly hiding in his hood, in a sleepy manor.

"What was that you mubbled half way through you're words" I say rolling my eyes going over to grab my shoes and put them on.

"Nothing..." He said kinda trailing off.

"We probably  should both get going unless you're here to waste you're father's money" I snickered.

I could well a cold - odd emotional glare on me as I turn to him. I felt like I saw his eyes sparkle, before become bleak.

Though I must say it's probably  my mind playing tricks apon me, he's all proud he can't get the girls or whatever it was he was all about yesterday.

"Whatever" he'd mutter.

I just walked out going to my class - well.. I went and ended  up running into dream and his little so not boyfriend.

"Y-yeah a.. you don't say" Dream said hiding his hid hood from the taller Brent.

"Dream you have someone behind you.. the look quiet new" the male said in a thick dreamy British accent.

Dream looked behind him, "Oh hey panda"

"You know him?" The taller brit said.

"Oh yeah we go way back from childhood" Dream said proudly, "what class you looking for?"

"Compter codex" I mutter.

"Oh of crouse you'd go for the fradic disgn and complex corse" Dream chuckled, "Wilbur I'll see you in class imma take my short friend here to class"

"Alright you do that," Wilbur chuckled and wandered away.

Dream walked me to class.

"I'm gonna guess that's you're so-not boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yeap... so how is it going with punz" he asked.

"Man's a major duche bag who's homophobic" I scoff.

He droped me off at my class, as we parted and I walked in.

"You must be the new transfer" the teacher said.

"Yes the names sapnap" I said, going to the only empty seat as he intreucted to get going.
Lol imma just end it here

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