[Self-peservence...of lies]

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He seems very lazy and unkempt- his vocabulary can't even extend to my real name It's all high school-level insults, that are bleak and bland, to be frank.

It's not like I haven't heard freak, nerd, or geek before, I'm kind of unfazed by his seasonless insults.

"Maybe you should hit the books - find some better ungenericic insults," I say, glaring at him, in a passive-aggressive way.

"What you mean by that?" he snared on pride.

"Your insults are what mean kids in middle a high school probably  googled to find," I say, "It's basic"

"What are you a peace-maker English teacher?" He hissed at me, "God, you're gonna be on my nerves."

"That makes two of us," I snap, "both on the nerves of the other, and it's nearly been an hour."

Oh, how good this year will be when I have this homophobic piece of shit as a roommate.

"It's a new world record," I added.

"Oh, now you're a PE teacher with a stopwatch," he snickered. "Keeping track? Let me know how many hours  I have to be roomed with a freak for"

I groaned, "Why would I do anything for you? You're just. A daddy's money's bully with too much self-righteousness"

"You'll keep acting classes with that description, and you say you aren't a nerd," punz shot at me.

I sighed and got looking at the time, "Whatever I'm done dealing with you're lackluster mouth for now."

I just walked out of our shared room, "Awe he runs from his problems - What a pussy"

My arm shakes - I kinda wanna punch him in his .. handsome fa- what.. that?! He's not.. he's just a bitch.

His bitchy face. Yeah, that fits him better, There's not one thing minorly attractive about him, his attitude kills his vibe.

"Says the bitchy one" I call back at him, opting to see what I could make in the kitchen, amintly not much.

I settled for some Mac and cheese with hot dog chuckles thrown inside.

Because I'll admit to you - I'm no chef Bordean I can cook simple things, like kraft Mac and cheese, hotdogs and griddle cheese, and sometimes eggs, depending on the eggy version.

I put my cheesey goodness into a bowl and had my dinner looking up a bit to see my roommate just bring in doordash.

"Damn that lazy you won't even cook" I tawnted him.

"I can cook, better than you. I just don't feel like it tonight" punz sighed. "I'm in the culinary major"

That - that is socking don't chefs normally stay organized.

"And you're room looks like a tornado hit it" I snorted.

"Okay- okay you got me there" it looked painful for him to admit, "didn't have time this morning"

He then dissapreed into our room - damn he must wake up late or something. Damn would have expected him to want to be on time if he wants to end up in a good job.

"It may be painful, but if you amint more, maybe people will actually see past your cold demnner," I called out.

Maybe i- no sapnap you gotta stay strong - he would want you to. Just to hurt you.

Damn.. the self battles aye... don't fight embrace it.

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