Ch. 16 (Bridget)

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      "Were you aware of how superficial people can be?" I asked, kicking my shoes off as soon as I stepped through the door. I walked into the TV room and dropped my purse into a chair.

      Sheila's hair was still wet, so I assumed she'd just gotten out of the shower. Now she ate a fudgsicle in one hand and held a book in the other. She glanced at me with an arched brow. "Did things not go well or something?"

      Sighing, I moved around to flop into the chair. I let my legs dangle over the arm, kicking my feet slightly. I told her, "Well, not exactly. I mean, the lunch was fine. But then he decided to drag me to this stupid photo shoot."

      She sat up quickly, causing the book to shut. But by the expression on her face, she could care less about the book right now. She nearly shouted, "You went to his photo shoot?"

      I nodded, then clarified, "But only during the preparatory period. I left before the actual taking pictures part started." I paused a moment. "Did you know that even the male models wear makeup?"

      "Yes," she answered instantly. "But you went to the photo shoot?"

      "Yes," I drawled, hoping the pace would help get that through her head. "And he said the shrewdest thing to me. He said, 'Next time, I'll let you be on top.' And then he winked!"

      Sheila seemed to have accepted the fact that I had been at the shoot because the incredulous look had been wiped from her face and now she was laughing. "Oh my god, that's hilarious!"

      My lips pursed. "No, it isn't," I insisted, starting to glare at her.

      Once her laughter ceased, she inquired, "So how was the shoot? Or, at least the prep?"

      My head fell back to rest on the other arm of the chair. I looked up at the ceiling as I explained, "I felt so out of my element. Everyone there is so extravagant and gorgeous. It made me realize how so not extravagant and gorgeous I am. And the way they were looking at me made me feel awkward. It was just bad. So I left."

      She was quiet a moment. Then she said, "Yeah, that makes sense. Hey, how'd Chance look?"

      I turned my head to look at her, and I rolled my eyes once I saw her grin. But I gave in and admitted, "He was sexy. But he's the sexiest man alive, so that's to be expected."

      "Yeah," she said, chuckling shortly. She fell silent before she sat straighter and looked at me, eyes hard and serious. "Do you think Chance will ask you to go out again?"

      Pulling my legs in, I sat up and adjusted to face her . I tugged my fingers through my hair and blew air forcefully between my lips. I said, "Well, yeah. The guy hasn't left me alone since he got here."

      Keeping her expression, she asked, "And will you agree to go out again?"

      My eyebrow rose. "What's with the line of questioning, Sheila?"

      She didn't budge. "Just answer it, Bridget," she requested.

      I sighed and contemplated. I groaned and confessed, "Yeah, probably. I don't know why. He annoys me, and if high school taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't get wrapped up with him. We upset the balance of things."

      Before I could go off on a wild tangent that was strung together incoherently, Sheila stopped me. She inquired abruptly, "Has he told you about Pierce?"

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