Ch. 24 (Bridget)

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Chance left the room to take a phone call, leaving me alone in his giant kitchen. I swear, I could get lost in this room! I could get lost in his house it was so huge. At least, it was bigger than what I was used to.

To pass the time, I wandered the kitchen. Soon, curiosity took over and I started to open the cupboards. I wanted to know what kind of food he had here, since I had been promised food.

I was disappointed to find just soup and expired canned vegetables in the first cupboard. The second one I opened only had various spices, and the third held boxes of cereal. I had been expecting something more . . . gourmet, but it really did look like just a bachelor lived here.

I couldn't open any more, because Chance finished with his phone call and came back into the kitchen. I whipped around and leaned against the counter, pretending like I hadn't been doing anything.

The male model looked very tired, or stressed, or both. His eyelids were threatening to close over his exhausted eyes, and his lips jutted out in an upset pout. But he rubbed his face and plastered a smile on his face instead, acting as though everything was normal.

My eyebrow quirked, questions in my eyes. I approached the kitchen island and asked him, "Everything okay?"

He nodded, assuring me, "Yeah, everything's fine. Why?"

A frown touched my features. "Well, for one, you're avoiding eye contact with me. And two, you look, I don't know, off. Like you're tired or something," I explained, scrutinizing him.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "It was just a phone call I didn't want, that's all," he informed me with a weak smile.

I got the hint that he didn't want to talk about it, so I changed the subject. "So, I got the grand tour. Now what?"

He seemed distracted for a second, but as soon as he focused on me, he started to relax. "Would you care to go out to dinner?" he inquired, his expression surprisingly soft.

The statement was not what I was expecting, so I just stared at him with large eyes. I managed, "What?"

Chuckling, he clarified, "Not tonight, of course. Probably Saturday night. But, I just want to ask now. So would you like to go out to dinner with me?" He smiled at me.

I cursed my heart, because it was pounding in my chest. I hated how attractive Chance was, standing on the other side of the island and smiling innocently at me, like his question was mere curiosity and hadn't sent me into a strange cardiac arrest.

"Are you used to getting exactly what you want?" I blurted abruptly, buying myself time before I had to answer.

His sculpted eyebrow arched on his angelic face, and he chuckled. "Um, why?"

With a shrug, I stammered, "Well, you just . . . You know, you're so good looking, you must be used to getting your way."

He leaned over the counter, resting his elbows atop it. He let a grin form on his face as he flirted, "So you think I'm good looking, hmm?" He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "You think you can charm your way into any woman's pants, don't you?"

His grin tilted, making it lopsided. "No, not any woman. Some women are harder to charm." He gave me a pointed look.

"Whatever," I muttered, shaking my head.

His green eyes dazzled as he remarked, "You haven't answered my question, Bridget."

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