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Maddy delicately closed the glass door behind Priscilla, her smile wide

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Maddy delicately closed the glass door behind Priscilla, her smile wide.

"Are you sure it's cool if I'm here?" Priscilla questioned, in awe of the gigantic house. It was your typical modern design. Glass and dark wood throughout the entire interior. Huge paintings and portraits covered the soft white walls. The ceilings so tall that their voices echoed.

"Yeah, Samantha is so chill and she's not going to be back until after 10."

"Aren't you supposed to be technically babysitting?" Priscilla slowly stripped off her jacket, folding it up before placing it on the couch.

Maddy grabbed her hand, dragging her out to the back patio. "Bedtime is at 8," her friend sang.

The backyard was dimly lit, blue lights reflecting from the clear water of the swimming pool.

"Remember when our moms used to their maid service. They would bring us to houses like this all the time and we would pretend to be bougie, rich housewives."

"Why, of course I do," Maddy placed a hand on her chest, her voice reflecting a posh accent.

The girls sat down at the edge of the pool, taking off their sandals as they both dipped their toes in. The still water felt cool and calm against Priscilla's bare feet.

She let out a sigh, shaking her head.

"Does it ever scare you? The idea that we're not going to be teenage girls anymore?"

"No," Maddy lifted and then dropped her shoulders. Her dimple popped out of her left cheek as she giggled, "I'm kind of excited to get older. High school feels like it's never going to fucking end."

"I feel like we wasted so much time over the dumbest shit."

"Tell me about it." Maddy placed a hand in the water, his wrist slowly moving back and forth.

"How are you?" Priscilla questioned, her tone genuine.

"The psycho part of me wants to fucking blow up Nate and Cassie's entire life, burn their fairytale to the ground but the other side of me wants to do absolutely nothing. You know, I haven't even cried since that night."


Her friend simply nodded.

"I feel like all of my tears are gone. When I try to cry, nothing comes out anymore. It sucks. Anyway, what about you? I'm tired of talking about myself."

Priscilla let out a dry laugh, throwing her head back, "Ugh, I don't even know where to begin."

"So, I'm guessing you and Fezco aren't back together?"

"Girl," Priscilla sighed, rolling up the cuffs of her jeans. She stuck her feet further into the water, wiggling her toes under the cold touch.

"I told you about how we had sex, then right after I found out about him and Lexi. The texting, the dates, the phone calls."


"His excuse was that he 'needed an escape', our relationship was too tiring for him. For him!"

"Ugh," Maddy rolled her eyes, "did he even apologize, explain himself?"

"Nope," Priscilla shook her head, "not that I expected him too. He said they didn't do anything physical."

Priscilla could feel the familiar lump rising in the back of her throat again. Even though she shouldn't have, she fully believed Fezco when he told her it was only emotional with Lexi.

"What would they even talk about though? Did you go through his phone?"

"I didn't even get that far honestly," Priscilla laughed, her hands rubbing up and down her thighs, "I'm not sure if it's worth it. He says she was more of the talker, she was telling him about that stupid ass play she's putting on tomorrow. She even invited him to come, as if he needs to worry about that. And you know what's so funny, he literally gave me a speech that night about not getting wrapped up in 'high school bullshit', to 'stay true to myself' and that I was changing. Thinking about it now, he probably just wanted me to be more like her."

"Do you ever miss him?"

"All of the time. It's just annoying. I don't get how he can get sick of the fact that I've changed when he's been a huge majority of the reason why. All the shit I went through with him. I get that I was dumb enough to stay and put up with it, but it still changes a person. I'm not going to be as bubbly and carefree as I was in the beginning, and then he says he can't deal with the guilt of doing that to me. But, it happened. If I can try to move past it and still love him, I don't get how he can't do the same for me."

"Are you really past it though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you guys ever even had a talk about everything? Like everything?"

"So, how are you supposed to be past anything if you haven't even told him how much it affected you? I get you want to just take it and deal with it on your own but if you do that long enough, it turns into anger. It becomes resentful and it's going to affect your relationship whether you know it or not."

"Wow, thanks for making me feel better about myself," Priscilla chuckled.

"I'm not saying anything he's done or has been doing is right, at all. He's an asshole, but men are also fucking stupid," Maddy clicked her nails together as she spoke, "they'd rather run from their problems then stay and fix them, especially problems that they helped to create. They'll rather hide and sulk and self loathe then grow a pair."

"God, you two make me miss high school so much!"

An unknown voice called out, startling the teenagers.

There stood Samantha, as she slid the screen door behind her. In her hands, was a huge bottle of wine and three cocktail glasses. Her heels clicked obnoxiously against the pavement, as she strutted towards the pool area.

With the first sight of her, Priscilla could understand why Maddy liked her so much. She was practically an older version of the girl. To her demeanor, her frame, her undeniable beauty. Priscilla waved as Samantha kicked off the shoes to the side.

"Hey, how was your night?" Maddy questioned, her smile wide.

"It was nice," Samantha put down the glasses, joining the girls where they were seated. "I hadn't seen my girlfriends in a while, so it was good to catch up on all the meaningless, fun bullshit. I feel like we should get drunk and go for a swim."

hii guysss ms author girl checking in here i feel like my sequel has been so dark/serious compared to the first and i don't know how i feel about it. i just dont want you guys to get bored reading. i rewatched the second season of euphoria and try to watch the episode as i write just so i can get a feel of it so my chapter can reflect the same vibe but yall the second season was SOOO dark😭😭😭 like i'm about to start making scenes up as i go along because....

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