putting jori in more fucked up situations

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a/n i love doing this and ik when i read fanfics i freakin hate it when the authors put my ship in fucked up situations but everyone does it which is why i will be putting Jori in more fucked up situations

btw i totally loved writing beckifer's glorious death but now toray and jaderetta must be tortured and i also realized i havent put these pet names for them in the ENTIRE FANFIC so if anyone can come up with a name for cat robbie rex andre or sikowitz it would be appreciated <3

btw sorry for not updating but ive been writing so much im gonna release like a gagillion new chapters at once bcuz i had no time to release ive been writing basically nonstop :)

 Third Person 

Jade sat alone in the dimly lit room, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows across her face. The air was heavy with grief, and the walls seemed to echo with the laughter and memories of days long gone. She clutched a worn photograph in her trembling hands, a picture that held the smiling faces of five friends, once inseparable, now torn apart by the cruel hands of fate.

Tori, Cat, Andre, Robbie, and Beck – a tight-knit group that had faced the trials of high school together, supporting each other through thick and thin. They were more than just friends; they were family. But now, that family was broken, fractured by the gaping hole that Beck's absence had left behind.

Jade's heart ached as she thought about that day, the day their lives were shattered. Jade remembered how she had felt her knees give way, sinking to the ground as her world crumbled around her.

As the shock wore off, the group had come together, united by their grief. Tori, the vibrant and talented singer, had cried until there were no tears left to shed. Cat, the sweet and quirky one, had clung to Beck's old jacket, inhaling his scent as if it could bring him back. Andre, the intellectual and caring soul, had tried to find solace in words, penning heartfelt eulogies that would never be spoken. Robbie, the comic relief and loyal friend, had fallen into a deep silence, unable to crack a joke or muster a smile.

And then there was Jade, Beck's ex-girlfriend. She had been the one who had broken his heart, torn their relationship apart with her stubbornness and pride. Guilt weighed on her like a boulder, a relentless reminder of all the things left unsaid, all the apologies left unspoken. She couldn't help but wonder if she could have prevented his accident, if she could have saved him somehow.

Jade's memories of Beck were a whirlwind of emotions. They had been inseparable once, the kind of couple that made everyone believe in the power of young love. Their relationship had been passionate, intense, and full of life. But as time went on, they had grown apart, their dreams and ambitions taking them in different directions. The breakup had been painful, a storm of hurtful words and shattered promises. And now, she was left with regrets that would haunt her for a lifetime.

 Jade looked up, tears falling, and realized she wasn't alone. Maybe this entire day, when she'd been at Tori's house grieving, she hadn't been alone. Her friends were with her. 

"I'm so sorry," Jade had whispered, tears streaming down her face. "I should have been there for him. I should have... I should have been a better girlfriend." Her voice had cracked, and she had broken down, unable to continue. She had walked away, leaving behind a stunned silence and a heavy burden of guilt. 

 Tori, her girlfriend. The beloved girl Jade loved so much, the girl she would die for, kill for. Tori came over and sat down with Jade, hugging her. They hugged each other, gripping each other for dear life. "I love you," they said to each other at the same time, both girls' voices breaking. They smiled, the first real smile in seemingly forever, and hugged again.

"I'm going to go and get some blankets. It's almost sunrise, we should sleep a little," Tori said. Jade kissed her briefly before letting her go. Little did Jade know this, this letting Tori out of the room, might have been the biggest mistake she'd ever made. 

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