the first night

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She's flatlining. Why is she flatlining. More tears pour from my eyes. The doctors shake their heads at each other, exchanging silent news that the rest of us could understand as well. Me and Andre, Tori's closest, exchange looks of desperation and misery. We knew it would happen. We just weren't ready for it, for any of this.

 "We'll have to do some... gruesome work. Everyone, go back home," said the doctor.

 Time skip

 When I return to our half of L.A., it's completely unharmed-the blunt was in uptown L.A. But today, this morning, the morning after it happened, is different from the last two days of endless grief. Today, I find myself standing in front of Tori's house, the one we shared so many memories in. The one that holds the pieces of a love that once was.

I take a deep breath and gather my courage before unlocking the door. The house feels foreign, empty, and void of life, much like my heart without Tori. I step inside, the silence a stark reminder of everything I've lost. The scent of her favorite vanilla candle lingers in the air, a cruel twist of fate that brings tears to my eyes.

The living room is a snapshot of the life we built together. Our cozy couch, the TV we binge-watched shows on, and the collection of quirky art pieces Tori insisted on hanging up. My fingers trace the edge of a picture frame on the mantle, capturing a moment of pure happiness. Tori's warm smile, her hand intertwined with mine, is frozen in time. I feel a tightness in my chest, an ache that never truly leaves.

Moving through the house, I encounter the memories that made this place a home. The kitchen, where Tori would whip up her famous pasta dishes while I tried my best not to burn toast. The hallway, where our laughter echoed during late-night pillow fights. And the bedroom, where we shared our dreams, whispered secrets, and held each other through the darkest nights.

I pause by Tori's side of the bed, my fingers trembling as I reach out to touch her pillow. It still smells like her, a mixture of her favorite shampoo and the faint scent of her perfume. The tears come then, hot and relentless, as I clutch the pillow to my chest.

After a moment, I pull myself together and continue my exploration of the house. In the spare bedroom, the one that was Trina's before she went to college, I find Tori's art studio. Her easel stands empty, and her paintbrushes are neatly organized. Tori had a way of turning her emotions into beautiful works of art, and this room was her sanctuary. I sit down in front of the easel, and for a moment, I can almost hear her voice explaining the inspiration behind each painting.

With a trembling hand, I pick up a brush and dip it into a jar of paint. My strokes are hesitant, unsure, but I begin to recreate a scene from our shared past. It's a memory of our first, fake then date at Nozu, the sun setting in hues of orange and pink, and Tori's laughter filling the air. My tears mix with the paint on the canvas, blurring the lines and colors, but it doesn't matter. This is my way of preserving the moments we had together, of keeping her alive in my heart.

As I finish the painting, I realize that I've lost track of time. The sun has long disappeared below the horizon, leaving the house in darkness. I light a candle, the same one that always sat on the kitchen counter, and let its soft glow fill the room.

Returning to the living room, I curl up on the couch and gaze out of the window. The cityscape stretches before me, a sea of lights that once held so much promise. Tori and I had dreams of conquering this city together, of making our mark and building a life side by side.

But fate had other plans, and now I'm left alone in this empty house, a ghost of what once was. The pain is still there, a heavy weight on my chest, but being here, surrounded by our memories, has given me a sense of closure I didn't know I needed.

I know that I can't stay here forever, that I need to find a way to move forward. But for now, in this quiet moment, I allow myself to remember, to grieve, and to love the girl who brought so much light into my life. As the candle burns low and the night deepens, I close my eyes, and for a moment, I can almost feel Tori's presence beside me. It's a bittersweet comfort, a reminder that love never truly dies, and that even in the darkest of moments, there is still beauty to be found.

With that thought, I drift into a restless sleep, wrapped in memories of the girl I loved, in the house that still holds a piece of my heart, and in a city that will forever be a part of our story. And there went the first night home without my girlfriend. 

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