my least favorite song

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Jade's pov

 My eyes are swollen from hours of crying. I'm clutching Tori's lifeless hands; my fingers are trembling while I tried to find any remaining warmth in my girlfriend's body. The heart monitor beside the bed beeped steadily, the only sign that Tori might, just might, still be with us. I wish I was like that heart monitor-steady, keeping my girlfriend alive, as odd as it seems for a human girl to be comparing herself to such a thing. 

Beep-beep. There it goes.

 My friends sit around me, faces etched with grief and helplessness. They had been with me through the long, agonizing night, taking turns offering comfort and support, though there was little anyone could do to ease the pain settling in our chests like a gruesome fog. Robbie, his voice shaky, finally breaks the silence.  Beep-beep. "Jade, we're here for you. We're not going anywhere."

Cat nods in agreement, her eyes moist with tears. "Tori's a fighter. She's strong, Jade. She'll pull through this."


Andre, the most composed of the group, places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Doctors make mistakes sometimes. They might be wrong about her condition."

My voice wavers as I speak, my words filled with desperation. "I can't lose her, guys. She means everything to me."


 The heart monitor again, chiming into the silence. Maybe my least favorite song, because I know how it will end. But until it does, it stays. Beep-beep. So rhythmic. Until it's not.


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