Chapter 1: A party then recruitment

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We open this chapter at Oxford University, England inside what looks to be a party on a close up of a woman's eyes one green the other a blueish grey before we pan to see Charles Xavier approaching her as a blonde woman sits in a set close by next to a man who is seen drinking (P/A/B)

A/n: P/A/B = Preferred Alcoholic beverage  

Charles: Hetero-chromia.

Woman: A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first.

Charles: *chuckles* Norman, *places his hand to his temple* Pint of bitter of me and a brandy for the lady, pleases. 

The Man drinking next to the blonde gives a curious glance at Charles before noticing the displeased look on the blonde sat next to him

Woman: How did you know that?

Charles: Lucky guess. Name's Xavier. Charles Xavier. How do you do?

Amy: Amy.

Charles: Heterochromia was in reference to your eyes, which I have to say are stunning. One green, One blue. It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. 

The man gives gives a grimaced sigh before noticing the blonde doing the same leaning over to her

The Man(Whisper): He use that a lot?

Blonde(Whisper): You wouldn't believe me at the amount of times he's used that 

The Man(Whisper): How many times has it worked 

Blonde(Whisper): Every time, Mostly because their still in shock that he guessed their order of drink 

Y/n(Whisper): Sounds dreadful to have to listen to on repeat, I'm Y/n by the way

puts his hand out to the blonde before she takes it as we get a good look at her

puts his hand out to the blonde before she takes it as we get a good look at her

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Raven: *She takes his hand* Raven

The pair smile to each other before we cut to pair having sex in the bathroom making out every so often before finishing up leaving Raven slightly satisfied with heavy breath 

Raven: *Breathing heavily* You done already? 

Y/n: *Lets out a grunt as he does his belt* What? No, but won't your friend get suspicious if your gone to long  

Raven: Not really probably too busy swapping spit with that blonde chick at the bar

Y/n: *then glances out to see Charles chugging bear* Not so sure about that.

Raven then looks to see the same making her sigh as she looks to Y/n who hands her a card 

Y/n: When you want to have fun just the two of us 

Raven: You have a card? 

Y/n: Makes life way easier then you would believe.

Y/n then exits the toilet with Raven quickly going after him to find he's already gone making her look around confused. We then cut to a few months later where Y/n and Raven had kept up a casual sex meet up at Y/n place however on one particular day Y/n had received a phone call from his favourite blonde   

Y/n: Hey, Rae, you want to meet or is this for something els? 

Raven(phone): Hey Y/n, I'm coming over in a little bit with a couple of friends.

Y/n: oh, Oh, OH! 

Raven(Phone): Not those kind of friends 

Y/n: Oh

Raven(Phone): We'll be over in an hour 

We cut to an hour later with Y/n answering the door to Charles, Raven and another man Y/n didn't recognise 

Y/n: Mr. Xavier, Raven and a man I haven't met    

Eric Lensherr: *Put's  out his hand and Y/n takes it feeling a slight buzz from the touch* Eric Lensherr 

Charles: Sorry how do you-?

Y/n: Same time I met Raven you were busy chatting up a woman with Heterochromia before getting into a chugging contest 

Charles: Oh...

Eric looks to Charles with a slight chuckle 

Y/n: So Raven didn't explain on the phone, why are you three here.

Charles: We know you have powers and want to help you learn to control them and also stop someone with powers as well.

Y/n: Cool come in and I'll make you three a drink, Coffee or would you like something stronger *gives a glance to Raven* Rae, Same as always 

Eric and Charles give her a look as she lets out a *Yep* with a slight blush with Eric letting out a chuckle before going into the flat finding it small but quaint reminding him of some of the hotels he would stay in 

Eric: I'll take a bear if you've got any 

Y/n: Will any bear do?

Eric: Yes 

Y/n then pulls out a bear form his fridge handing it to him before giving Charles a pat on his shoulder 

Y/n: And for you Charles, let me guess *places his hand to his temple* Earl Grey?

Charles gives him a surprised look  

Charles: How did you-?

Y/n: *giving off a wide smirk* Lucky guess 

Raven gives a chuckle at the jab while Eric and Charles look to the man working away in his kitchen doing the washing up as the coffee spoon seemingly stirs itself making now Charles, Eric and Raven all intrigued by Y/n as he goes over to the mugs picking them up and heading over to where Raven and Charles are handing them the cups 

Y/n: Coffee for Raven, two sugars and cup of Earl Grey for Charles

Eric: How did you-?   

Y/n: Non of you have figured it out yet *points to Charles* He can read minds and he still hasn't figured it out.

Charles: *Has a realisation* You can copy our powers 

Y/n: Bingo, Well sort of, can't copy Rae

Charles: Do you know why not?

Y/n: My guess is that my power changes my DNA, To copy you and Eric seems to be simple just, telepathy and Magnokinesis but Raven would change me on a fundamental level to be able to do what she does.

Eric: And what about joining us against Shaw?

Y/n: Is that the mutant you were talking about? 

Charles: Yes his name is Sebastian Shaw, runs a group called the hellfire club and their looking to do something we're aiming to figure out what.

Y/n: Who we got so far.... Against this Shaw guy? 

Charles: Me, Raven, Eric, the American government's support and hopefully others 

Y/n: Hopefully? 

Charles: You were the first we came top   

  Y/n: Why me first, if you guys are in the US? 

Charles: Because we already knew you and it would be easier to come get you and go back 

Y/n: Okay, alright one more thing... will I be getting paid for my work?

Charles give's him a look while Eric and Raven chuckle as we fade to black ending the chapter

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