Chapter 3: Attack on the Facility

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A/n: I have changed the previous chapter form FBI to CIA as I was mistaken in which group was helping the Team

We open this chapter with the team joking around basically having a part with 1960's pop music playing in the background as Eric, Charles and CIA agent Moira arrive seeing Y/n and Raven Dancing, Angel Flying around, Bobby, Sean and Alex testing Darwin's ability's by hitting him with things with Darwin even yelling out "Harder" and Hank hanging from the ceiling lights. Y/n stops dancing when he sees the three arrive but just chuckles before the whole group hear

Moira: What are you lot doing?! 

The group stop what their doing with Hank even coming down from the ceiling as Y/n walks forward 

Y/n: Having fun what does it look like

Moira: You relies you have destroyed government property 

Y/n: *points to the kind of fixed statue* I fixed the statue and I'll fix the rest of what you can tell me we broke 

Moira, Eric and Charles look to the kind of fixed statue and can sees its crudely put back together  

Moira: Who broke it in the first place that you needed to fix it? 

Y/n: Well that remains'-

Hank: It was Alex! 

Both Alex and Y/n look to Hank with a really look while Angel gives a chuckle while Bobby, Darwin and Sean just look to the side unsure and Raven-

Raven: No Havok... we have to call him Havok, That's his name now. *Goes over to Y/n* This is Shadow cat *Y/n gives her a look unsure* And we were thinking *points to Charles* You should be Professor X, *Points to Eric* And you should be Magneto. 

Eric(Feed up with their shit): Exceptional. 

Eric gives a chuckle before walking off whispering to himself "Why Magneto" while Moira gives a dismissive shake of her head and we then can see Charles glaring at the group but more specifically Raven which irritates Y/n

Charles: I expect more from you.

Charles then walks off as Y/n goes to do something but Raven stops him 

Raven: Don't.

Y/n: But they can't just dismiss us like that, we we're bonding as a team they do want us to like each other right? *looks to the rest of the group* Right? 

Hank: I don't know but we should clean this up 

Y/n lets out an aggravated sigh before we cut to a little later on with the room now cleaned up and Y/n playing a arcade game with Darwin, Alex and Bobby watching impressed by his score of 6,832 which keeps rising 

Darwin: Whoa. 

Alex: All right. All right, how did you get so good?

Bobby: Yeah dude, how? 

Darwin: Yeah man, You are insane 

Y/n: Don't beat yourselves up just had a lot of practice

Behind them Angel, Raven, Hank and Sean are talking before the same pair of CIA agents Y/n ran into before come by the window 

CIA Agent 1: Oh, I didn't know the Circus was in town. 

CIA Agent 2: *To Angel* Come on honey, give us a little, uh *Imitates fluttering wings* No? 

Y/n hearing this turns to see them a malicious grin

Y/n: Anyone els want to play, My hands are getting tired but my brain is just rearing to go.

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