Chapter 2: Enjoying new powers then Code Names

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We open up with Y/n, Charles, Eric and Raven all inside a room with whirring machine with a head piece hovering in the middle of the room 

Y/n: So this is how you found me? *looks over to Raven* You didn't tell them

Raven: Didn't need to, Charles used it to find you before I even thought about mentioning your a mutant 

Y/n: *Shrugs* So who made it? 

??: That would be me

Y/n looks to see Dr. Hank McCoy who approaches Y/n holding out his hand

Hank: Hi, I'm doctor Hank McCoy 

Y/n takes it felling a light buzz but nothing more 

Y/n: You're a mutant 

Hank(Confused): How'd you-

Charles: Y/n Here has the ability to copy Mutant ability's 

Hank: So, you have mine now?

Y/n: Depends, what's your power? 

Hank lets out a embarrassed sigh before removing his shoes showing off his monkey like feet 

 Y/n: Yeah I wouldn't be able to get that, To showy not like *uses Eric's magnetism to bring a random metal object to him* This 

Hank: You have Eric's powers? 

Y/n places and pair of fingers to his head     

Y/n(In Hanks Head): And Charles' 

Y/n removes his fingers form his head

Y/n: So can I see how this works?

Hank: You can test it if you want 

Y/n shrugs going over to the machine getting Hank helping Y/n into the machine   

Y/n: Alright now what? 

Y/n then feels a rush too strong for his brain making him let out a nose bleed before he falls with Eric catching him just in time and helping him remove the helmet before Y/n returns to consciousness  

Raven: You alright? 

Y/n: Were not doing that again

Hank: Agreed, It seems you didn't get an exact copy of Charles' power 

Y/n: Noted 

Charles goes over and uses the helmet himself allowing Y/n to see how the machine is supposed to work

Y/n: You got a name for this, Hank 

Hank: I uh... I call it Cerebro.

Charles: I got something promising.

Eric: Alright lets go 

Y/n: Wait we supposed to wait here while you two go of and do what ever 

Charles: Well that was the deal me and Eric made with the CIA

Y/n: Don't suppose you'd mind a tag along 

Charles looks to Eric unsure 

 Eric: If I got to chose I'd say bring him 

Charles: Okay as much as I want to we can't, you wait here with Raven and Hank while me and Eric gather the team 

Y/n: Okay alright, I'll just find something to do while we wait 

Eric and Charles nod before leaving making Y/n look to Hank 

Y/n: Anything you can do for fun around here? 

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