Chapter 8: Six Years Later

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We open this chapter up as the title suggests Six Years later from the privious with Y/n driving a Pickup truck through the forsests of Canada before needing to stop his truck behind another which is stopped because two other Pickup trucks are stopped on a bridge making him sigh as he sees the driver of the truck in front get out managing to see there face making his eyes widen 

Y/n: James? 

Y/n the turns off his truck and get's out 

Y/n: Jimmy! 

James Howlet turns to see Y/n a slight shocked look on his face

James: Y/n? 

Y/n then goes over and greets the man happy to see him only for James to grab and pull him away from his own Pickup truck and shove him into a tree unleashing his bone claws toward Y/n making the younger mans eyes widen in shock

James: You here to kill me too?! 

Y/n: *Eyes change to confusion* Kill you? Too? 

James: Like you did Wilson and Bradly?!

Y/n: *Eyes widen back to shock* Wade and Chris are dead?! 

James: *Looks in his eyes seeing he truly had no idea* You don't know anything about that do you? 

Y/n shakes his head as James let's him go sighing as he unsheath's his claws 

James: I shouldn't have trusted Stryker to tell me the truth

Y/n: S-stryker told you I killed them 

James: Yeah, said you had temmed up with you old pals in the brotherhood and chosen to go after the old team for some Mutant cause 

Y/n: The Brotherhood? I haven't seen any of them since *thinks for a moment* for a while... I've been on my own since I left you in africa... been on the road mostly... I did run into Chris a year ago, he was working for a carnival and I saw Fred not long after that, he was doing some heavy weight boxing last I saw him but that's all I've seen of our old team

James: You haven't seen Victor or Wade? 

Y/n: No and from what Chris told me they both stayed with Stryker 

James: Hmm, then he must know more then he's telling 

Y/n: Yeah 

??: Logan! 

James sighs having forgoten someone 

Y/n: Logan? 

Logan: I don't go by James Howlet anymore 

Y/n: Fair enough 

the pair look over to see Logan's girlfriend Kayla Sliverfox

Kayla: There you are? *sees Y/n* and who's this? 

Y/n: *Approuches holding out his hand* Hi I'm Y/n L/n an old friend of Jim- I mean Logan  

Kayla: *Takes his hand as Y/n feels a slight spark before it quickly fades as she giggles* I'm Kayla Sliverfox, Logan's Girlfriend 

Y/n: Pretty Name for a Pretty girl 

She gigles sweetly letting go of his hand 

 Logan: *Sighs before letting out a chuckle* You haven't changed a bit have you

Y/n: *Smirks at Logan looking to him* I would say the same to you but I can already tell there's something diffrent about you

Logan: *nods* Look we've got places to be so let's catch up later, there's a bar not too far from here we can grab a drink at and catch up

Y/n: sounds great    

Logan, Y/n and Kayla arrive back at there trucks to see the two guy's still talking 

Logan: Get in the truck, Kayla

Y/n: You both get in the car *Logan gives him a look* I'll ask them nicely first and if they don't take that well then I can do the other thing 

Logan nods getting in the truck with Kayla as Y/n approuches the two men

Y/n: Ladies, Ladies, I think you've both taken enough time on this bridge   

Trucker: What was that, Fuck Face? 

Y/n: That's a new one, and all I'm trying to say is fucking move it before I make you move you're pair of fatass' of this bridge 

Driver: why you little 

Y/n: *Holds up his hand causing the trucker to stop in place* That's a lot of metal you're carrying 

The other driver goes to move only for Y/n to give him a look making him freeze in place too scared to move any closer before reslising Erik's power over the drivers metal 

Y/n: Now how about you two get back in your car's and mosy on down the trail   

the two get back in there pickups and drive away quickly in the opposite directions as Y/n looks back to Logan and Kayla with a wave only to see them both giving him a look

Y/n: They're not dead are they

They drive past him 

Y/n: You're welcome, Ungreatful wipersapers 

Y/n chuckles to himself as he gets into his pickup and drives away as we cut to a few hours later with Y/n entering the bar Logan told him about only to find someone els he wasn't expecting to see

Y/n: Victor? that you? 

Victor creed turns to him with a smile that would make most people's skin crawl 

Victor: Mimic? Well isn't it my lucky day 

Y/n tilts his head confused as Logan bursts in behind him 

Logan: Victor! 

Logan then looks to Y/n then to Victor as Y/n sees the look of pure rage in Logan's eyes turning to Sabertooth with a glare

Y/n: What did you do, Victor? 

Logan: He killed, Kayla 

Within a flash of the light Y/n Bamphs to Victor grabing and using all his might throw's him toward Logan who has already unshethed his claws to stab into Victor slaming him into the gorund before using his claws to pick him back up and smashing him through the doors destroy them while Y/n looks to the bartender

Y/n: Sorry about the doors

Y/n then bamphfs appering outside in the pouring rain as he looks to see The Wolverine and Sabertooth clawing at eachother with Victor having the clear advanted due to Logan being out of practice and his bone claws being far weeker then Victor's ferocious speed, so Y/n rushes in to give him a hand only for victor to notice him and kick Logan toward him causing Y/n to Bamphf again only to reapear with Sabertooth grabing and slaming him into the floor

Victor: You know how happy I was too see you agian, Mimic but you're still such a dissapointment  

Y/n: Say's you 

Sabertooth stats to Claw at Y/n who screams out in pain

Logan: Get off of him! 

Victor is then tackled off of Y/n by Logan who his head turns to see is wining for a moment having giving in to his more anamlistic side only for Y/n to start to black out but forcing his eyes to open and see Longan only the ground with his claws getting stomped out by Victor befoe he blinks again to find Victor digging his claws into Y/n to drag him off where he hears part of a conversation but recgonises the voices

Stryker: I need him alive Victor! 

Victor: He'll live he's got mine and Jimmy's healing factor 

Y/n for a moment sees Victor glaring down toward him

Victor: He'll be just fine

Y/n starts to black out again

Stryker: You better be right or it will be on your head 

Y/n blacks out completly due to his bloodloose as we fade to black ending the chapter 

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