Chapter 9: Y/n and Logan

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We open this chapter up with Y/n begining to wake up on a metal slab hearing 

Stryker: So he will be even better then Wilson?

Scientist: Once we have him fully under nothing would be a match for him, not even the Wolverine 

Stryker: If thats the case then begin immiditly, I want him completly under our control, oh and while your at it-

Scientist: Sow his mouth shut like we did with Wilson, already on it 

Y/n can barly see but what he can here is Stryker leaving the room as the Scientist walks over to him and notics something 

Scientist: You're awake arn't you Mimic.... *Y/n try's to speak but can't seem to do anything but listen* Don't try to talk or even move you can the seditive I gave you makes your entire body motionless but alows you to hear everything, you'll be able to move the rest of your body soon so I don't have a lot of time to explain but The Wolverine is here too and if he is anything like what i've hered then he will go on a rampage getting out of this place and when he does I'll lead him right to you and all I ask in excange is that you forgive me for what I've done to you, I'm sure you won't remember anything so there's no point explaining but I am sorry.

Y/n then hears the scientest leave and finds himself already starting to be able to feel parts of his body and the diffrent levels of pain he's in. Just as he starts to be able to waggle his fingures and crunch his hand trying to rip it out of the restraints he's in alarms start blaring as the door to his room opens with Soliders coming in 

Solider(Possible the one in charge of this group): Seal it off, we can't let the Wolverine and the Mimic leave 

Other Solider: Sir shouldn't we extract with him 

Solider: We can't not with the Wolverine on the Warpath he's on 

Before the Solider trying to Seal the door can finish six razor sharp metal claws come through and into the soliders skull before slashing there way through the rest of the door as Logan, buck naked comes bursting through the doors in nothing but his birthday suit and Six razor sharp metal claws instead of his usal bone ones making Y/n tilt his head slighy now being able to move it as he get's a good look at Logan noticing him also covered in blood 

Y/n: You guy's are fucked 

The Soliders all turn surprised to see Y/n awake

Y/n: Yes take your eyes of the feral metal clawed naked man to gawke in surprise at the awake straped down guy

Logan goes on a massacre taring the soldiers apart with his claws before standing straight breathing heavily 

Y/n: If your quite done breathing heavily and covered in nothing but blood then can you cut me free so we can get out of this place 

Logan: I'm not here for you

Y/n: but I can help you get out of here 

Logan: I don't need your help 

Y/n: You don't but it would be nice of you to cut me free with your new metal claws so we can find some cloths and get out of here 

Logan: I'm going after Stryker and Victor, I don't need a tag along 

Logan starts to walk away 

Y/n: And I want to help you *Logan stops looking to Y/n confused* I can find us Stryker and Victor

Logan: Once I find Stryker, then I'll force him to tell me where Victor is 

Y/n: Stryker was a soldier who trained in the trenches of Vietnam, He was made to be quite untalkative but that is where I come in, I'm a mind reader Logan I can force Victors Location out of him and leave him brain dead at the same time 

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