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You were currently in the school library, trying to find information on these energy cores that you have inside you. You had never really gave it much thought until now, 'cuz you assumed that everyone who could do magic, had them inside them, but when you found out that neither Lance, Finn or Lemon had them inside their bodies, after a little meditation practice you taught them, that's how they found out, so this made you curious now.

You had scanned through almost all the shelves in the library, but you could not find a single thing on energy cores. Which you did find weird. You were sat in a corner of the library, just finishing through the last stack of books. Lance comes and sits down besides you

''Did you find anything...?'' He asked, you let out a sigh as you closed the book

''No...not even a dainty little thing about energy cores...I don't understand...'' You let out a sigh as you massaged your temples, this caught Lance's attention now too


''What about the restricted section?'' Lance asked, you looked over at him, your eyes slightly widening

''Oh shit yeah...I forget there was a restricted section here too...but where is it...?'' You asked

''It's on the second floor...'' Lance said, you nodded

''But it's going to be difficult because only the staff have access to it. We students aren't allowed up those stairs...'' Lance


''Mr Blue Candyfloss. You can't tell me there is a restricted section in this library and NOT expected me to explore that option now'' You mumbled as you bonked his head, Lance rolled his eyes

''Shut up...'' He mumbled annoyingly as he bonked your head back, you snorted

'' can help me then...when does the library close?'' You asked curiously

''At 11pm because that's when curfew starts...'' Lance said calmly, you nodded

''Okie...then met me outside my room at 11.30'' You smiled at him, Lance stared at you

''Fine...but if we get caught...then you're taking responsibility'' Lance said, you rolled your eyes

''I know how to not get caught...I have a lot of experience'' You giggled

''And your proud of that?'' He asked in disbelief

''Hey! Do you know the excitement one goes through when they do not get caught, even after risking their life...that feeling at the end is pure bliss!'' You cooed as you leaned back on the chair, Lance just looked done with you

''Okay miss delinquent. I'll see you later'' Lance sighed as he got up and walked off, leaving you on your own.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘭𝘦: 𝘔𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 & 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now