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You were on your way to meet with Abel

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You were on your way to meet with Abel. It had been a while since you had seen him, as you had been recovering from the recent event. But now, you were back on your feet and ready to talk to him.

As you walked towards the meeting spot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Abel had always been a bit strange, but lately he seemed to be getting even weirder. You brushed it off as just your imagination, and continued on your way.

When you arrived, you noticed that Abel was not alone. He was standing with the Second Fang, Abyss. They both turned to face you as you entered the room, almost as if they were expecting you.

''We really need to talk, Abel'' you said calmly, trying not to let your unease show.

''And please put that creepy doll away'' You pleaded, as Abel conjured a spell to make the doll he was holding disappear, you let out a relieved sigh

''How long have you known Cell?'' you asked curiously. Abel didn't answer, instead he just looked at you in silence, trying to figure out how you knew about Cell.

''I'll tell you how I know, but first, you need to tell me what he's trying to make you do'' You said, now looking directly into Abel's eyes. He noticed the determined look on your face and knew that you knew something.

''But first, how did you know I was working for him?'' Abel asked curiously, you let out tired chuckle

''The mark on your wrist'' Was all you said.



You, Abel and Abyss were sat on the steps, you were staring off into space as you listened to Abel talk about how he came about to know Cell, he explained the situation and how he just wanted to do it for his mother, and in exchange get some more coins for Lang. You were nodding in understanding, listening carefully to him.

''I'm sure you don't need me to say it, but Cell...he isn't a good person...and the group he works for...they're evil...'' You let out a sigh as you ruffled your hair

''I personally don't know anything about Innocent Zero, I just know Cell'' Abel said calmly, you nodded

''So...what about do you know him?'' Abel asked. You dreaded the question

''I only met him a few years ago...It was me simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is nothing more to it. He was abusing this one person...I don't know...probably to get some information out of him...I just wanted to go home through a shortcut and never imagined I'd meet him.'' You began by explaining

''There was one time I was missing for a week and you can probably guess...I was captured by him...since I saw him doing what he probably usually was a punishment for those who cross his path....'' You let out a sigh

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