trouble at the party

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A few hours later. "Hey Y/n? You wanna come to a party?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, sure, but I'm not staying too long. So I went with Sam and his roommates to a house where the party is going to be. With a few meters between me and Leo. "The First frat party's the game changer. Boy's we're hunting in the wild now. So, get your game faces on." "I can't stay long. I have a webcam date with my girlfriend." Sam told Leo. "That's so cool." "No it's not." We arrived, and I knew instant it's nothing for me. I walked around a little until I hear a guy yell, "Hey! Who drove a freaking yellow Camaro? There is a car on the law!" I already saw Sam running out, so I quickly followed him. When I arrived outside, I saw Sam arguing with some older people. I went up to them, "Hey I'm really sorry because of my brother, I hope you can forgive him." I said in a sweet ton and the two looked at me in surprise. "Uhh yea-yeah su-sure." Sam sat already in the car, so I went to the passenger's seat when I noticed another girl there. She opened the door and wanted to enter. "I don't think so." I said and grabbed her by her hair. I pulled her out and threw her on the floor. Then I sat myself on the passenger seat and Sam wanted started and drive away, but suddenly Leo arrived at my window. "Wow, you have a ride? Bro, why are you holding out on us?" "I've only known you for seventeen hours." Sam said annoyed. "Well, do you want to hang out sometimes?" Leo asked me through the window. "No, thanks, I have a boyfriend." I said and next moment the door opened and hit Leo directly in the face that he fell over. Bee started to drive off from the grass and out off the college. "Hey Bee, missed you" I mumbled and started to relax a little.

We drove a few minutes until we arrived at a place with many statues. We both got out of Bee and started to walk towards Optimus. "You won't give us one day at collage, huh?" "I'm sorry Sam and Y/n but the last fragment of the AllSpark was stolen." "Like what? Like deceptions stole it?" I asked him curious, "We placed it under human protection at your government's request, but I'm here for your help, because your leaders believe we brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps they are right. That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share." "This isn't our war" Sam!" "Not yet... but I fear it soon will be. Your world must not share the same fate as Cybertron. Whole generations lost." "I know, and I want to help you, I do, but I am not some alien ambassador, you know? I'm a normal kid with normal problems, and so is Y/n. We are where we are supposed to be." " Sam... DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK FOR ME!" I yelled at him. "I want this. I want to help them. But you always speak for me and make decisions that I don't want." "Come on Y/n let's go back." He said, ignoring what I said earlier. "Sam, fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing. You're Optimus Prime. You don't need me or my sister." "We do, more than you know." I heard Optimus say and looked back at him sad. Sam grabbed me by my arm and dragged me away to Bee. "No. I'm not driving with you right now. I'm walking back." I said and went to the window of the driver's seat. "Hey Bee, sorry, I won't be driving with you. We can meet later if you're free, just come around, I'll be there." "See you-----later-----Sweetspark." "Bye Bee." I said and started to walk back to the college. When I arrived, class already started, and I was late, so I simply skipped class and went to a library on the campus.

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