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A few years after the fight against Sentinel Prime, the earth decided to have the autobots against us. One of the big leaders made a pack with a decepticon or something, and now they hunt us. The time they started hunting, I was on a mission with Crosshairs and Drift while the others were at the base. When we were about to come back, we got a signal from Optimus telling us to hide and not get into human contact because they would've killed us. Since then, we have never heard about Optimus again. We weren't sure if he was dead, but without knowing, I knew they would never leave. After about 2 years, we finally found Bumblebee and Hound. Bee had changed the look of his car, so they wouldn't know it was him as fast, but I still liked his design. I hadn't heard from Bee for these 2 years and was so relieved that he was fine. Since then, he has become way more protective of me. He always keeps an eye on me and makes sure I stay away from human boys.

"Let's say, you guys find Optimus. What are you going to do?" I asked them. "Obvuelsy, you're going to leave this god-damn planet." Crosshairs answered. "Yeah, when we find him, we will leave; they didn't deserve it any other way." Hound spoke. Then I looked at Bee. The others noticed and started to step away to give us some privacy. "What are you gonna do?" I asked him. He looked at me, unsure. "If you want, you can leave. But I wouldn't say anything against it if you'd stay." I said and looked up at him. He looked down at me with an unsure look on his face. "You don't have to choose now; just tell me when you have the answer." I said and looked up into the sky.

"Calling all autobots! Calling all autobots!" I heard the so familiar voice of the Optimus Prime on Bee's radio as we drove through the desert. "He is alive!" I cheered happily. Hound was running on the mountains, also yelling in happiness. "Oh yeah! Hell yeah! He's back! He's alive! Optimus is here!" "At last, there is hope after all." Drift spoke through the radio to us all and jumped down another mountain, transforming into a helicopter. Optimus was driving right into Crosshairs, who jogged next to him. "Hell yeah, Mr. Leader Of The Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd made it; I never doubted it." "We got your warning. We've been waiting." "Hell yeah, Boom time! We got the gang back together."

Bee now also stopped, opened his door for me to step out. Bee transformed and walked up the hill behind me. Optimus door opened, and two men and one girl stepped out.Then, of course, Optimus transformed, standing as tall as ever. "Humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well, the rules have just changed." "Human beings, a bunch of backstabbing' weasels." "Hound find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation." "What the hell are you saying?" "It's a haiku." "Cut the crap. Before I drop a grenade down your throat" "Try it, you're dead." I looked at them, dumb fooled. Then I walked closer to the other humans. They all stood with their backs to me and didn't notice me.

"And who are you?" I asked them, and in shock, they all turned around, and the older-looking man pointed a weapon at my face. Big mistake. It didn't take long until Crosshairs and Hound both held a canon at either of the other two heads. Drift had his swords ready to fight, and Bee stood right behind me, two of his guns right in the man's face. "So who's the stoways?" "Crosshairs asked. "Stop Hound, all of you. They've risked their lives for mine. We owe them." They slowly let down their Canons, "Fine----but then----they should----take their guns---away from----Y/n." Bee said, looking still angry at the older man.

The man took the gun and put it away in his pocket. "Sorry, my name is Cade yeager this is my daughter Tessa and this man over there is Shane." He told me. "I'm Y/n Witwickey." I told him. "Let's make a fire; it's gonna get dark soon." I said and started getting some wood with Bee. "So there is no sigh from the others?" "Nada. We are all that's left." "They're taking us off one by one." "They even killed Sam, Carly and my parents. Everyone that is important to us." I said, looking to the ground. "We are the pathetic, dirty fifthsome. And you make six."

"Sensei, with your fate unknown, Bumblebee has held command, despite his complete and total lack of anything." I looked at them, annoyed. Not again. "Bee, don't listen to him." I said. "Resembling warrior discipline." "Bee, stay calm now." I said again. "He's like a child." Then Bee had enough and stood up. Last time Bee won the fight against Drift, they often did that. "This child is about to kick your ass." "He brings us shame." Bee kicked Drift in the side, and they started fighting. I stood with Crosshairs and Hound as we watched these stupid fights again. "Cage fight." Hound said, amused, "Smart ass." Drift replied. They fought until Drift held Bee with a sword under his Head. "Am I the lone sage who sees through this puppy-dog eyes act? It's beneath you." Drift said and let him go. "I like it." I said and went closer to 'em. "Yes! I've been waiting for them all to dispatch each other, so I can take charge with no trouble at all, just me reporting to me." "Well, it sure looks like you've been missed." Cade said to Optimus.

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