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"Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. The land of dreams is in there." Simmons said while he looked at the museum. "All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut." Simmons continued. I walked over to Mikaela, and suddenly Simmons started to ripp off his clothes. He threw them to Sam "Hold those." "Oh my god, a Picture I will never get out of my head." I mumbled. "What? I wear them when I'm in a funk." He tried to defend himself. "Oh my god," I just mumbled, "So does Giambi, Jeter. It's a baseball thing. Okay." added and looked on his watch. "If you get caught, demand an attorney and don't ever say my name." Simmons said and looked at all of us. "Okay, now let's get this show on the road." Simmons said, "Woah! Woah!" Leo said panicked, "No! Listen, I can't do this. I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys. I'm not gonna do this. Guards have guns. I don't wanna die," he stated, panicked. I looked at him, annoyed. 'What's wrong with that idiot?' I thought to myself. "You compromised this mission, you're dead to me. Now look into my eyes and tighten up that sphincter." He said, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Okay, everyone ready?" I asked, and we all went into the museum

"The museum is now closing," a guard said. "Yo, baba! Bad news, bro. Ran out of toilet paper. You got any out here? Please tell me you do." Leo said walking out of the bathroom with his pants pulled down, trying to distract the guard. "Sir. I suggest you get in there. The museum is closed." The guard just answered. "Sir, you're a grown, naked man around children. Pull your pants up and exit the building." He said annoyed.

"I'm not going anywhere." he said stubborn The guard was so done with him but finally went to find toilet paper. After that, I came out of my hiding place and also saw Sam and Mikaela come out of the plane while Simmons went to find Leo.

"You are an amateur, man, a rank amateur." Simmons said and I turned around to see him dragging Leo over to us, who was unconscious on the floor. "What the- what did he do?" I asked him. But no one answered; instead, we looked on the tracker to find the other autobot. "C'mon, guys." "We just downed five guards. Five guards. Get your stuff and get out of here."

Mikaela opened the box, and Wheelie jumped out of it. "Be good," She told him and pointed at him. "I'm claustrophobic." Wheelie said out of breath.

"Okay, little guy, show us the way." I told him, and he nodded. "Guys! Follow him! He knows the way!" I yelled, and we all ran after him. "He knows something," Mikaela said. Suddenly, the device Simmons was holding started to beep rapidly. "You got what I got?" Simmons asked. "Yeah." Sam answered. "Blackbird." Simmons whispered

"There he is. This guy's a legend. Like the chairman of the board! Yo, freshman, point the shard and watch the magic happen," Wheelie told us, and we did so. Suddenly, the shard flew towards the jet, and electricity went through it. Sam and Mikaela went closer, but suddenly they started yelling. "Crap. Run! It's a decepticon!"

"Behind the MiG now!" Simmons yelled at us, and we started running towards it. The yet transformed and started coughing while metal pieces started falling off him. "What sort of hideous mausoleum is this?" He asked out loud. "Answer me, pawns and knaves." He commanded. "Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath." I slowly started getting up. While Sam and Mikaela told me to come back.

"You little spinal-cord-based organisms! Bugger it! Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire! Prepare for remote systems override." He said pointing at us. "I tell you, this guy did not age well." Wheelie said. "You think so?" I asked him, "I don't think he is going to hurt us." Mikaela said. "I command these doors to open!" Jetfire yelled at the museum doors.

"I go get Bee and the twins; you guys follow him." I said and ran out of the museum. When I reached Bee the doors instandly opened, and I went inside. "Bee you have to drive to those big doors on the other side of the museum, a decepticon is there." I stated what happened and Bee started driving, not without putting a seat belt over me. When we reached the doors, you could already see the robot outside, with the others following him. When we arrived, I got out of Bee and ran up to the others.

"Well, I changed sides to Autobots." Jetfire told us. "You changed sides?" I asked him, "What do you mean, change sides?" Sam and I asked at the same time. "It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?" Wheelie rolled in front of me and looked at Jetfire. "You mean I don't have to wirk for those miserable freaking Decepticons?" he asked, surprised and happy. "Didn't know that one." I said, looking over to Sam, who looked just as surprised as me.

"I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, to the nice warrior goddess I have just met." Wheelie said, crawling over to my food. "Who's your little Autobot?" Wheelie asked me, but I just looked at him with a little disgust and shock. But one of us all really didn't like that, and just a moment later he was picked up by the head and thrown a few meters away. After that, I got picked up by Bee and set on his shoulder, where I put my head against his.

My Spark-Bumblebee x reader (movie 1-5)Where stories live. Discover now