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"I wonder what you seeWhen you see someone like meDo you see her?Won't you rather touch marble instead of limestoneAll I wish to be is someone deservingOf the comfort that you bring"

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"I wonder what you see
When you see someone like me
Do you see her?
Won't you rather touch marble instead of limestone
All I wish to be is someone deserving
Of the comfort that you bring"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

After what felt like an eternity of poring over the files, I finally set them aside, the weight of exhaustion settling upon my shoulders like a heavy cloak. With a weary sigh, I pushed myself up from the chair, stretching my limbs in an attempt to dispel the stiffness that had settled in during my prolonged study session.

As I reached for my phone to check the time, a sense of urgency washed over me. "It's time," I muttered to myself, glancing at the device's screen. Ego's office awaited my presence, and it was imperative that I check in with him.

My gaze wandered to the corner of the room, where the remote-controlled puppet lay dormant, its artificial features devoid of life. With a flicker of determination, I retrieved the remote control, feeling its familiar weight in my hand.

Pressing the red button, I watched as the puppet's eyes flickered to life, a silent acknowledgment of its activation. "Go check in with Ego and report back to me," I commanded, my voice firm yet tinged with a hint of weariness.

With a nod, the puppet rose to its feet, its movements fluid and eerily human-like. It strode towards the exit with purpose, the door closing behind it with a soft click, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

With brisk strides, the puppet made her way towards her designated destination, her impatience evident in the forceful tapping on Ego's office door. An irritated grumble emanated from within, and the door slid open to admit her, revealing Ego's figure framed against the glow of multiple screens.

"What do you wa-"

Interrupted mid-sentence by the puppet's abrupt entrance, Ego's expression shifted from annoyance to mild surprise as he took in her childlike form, bearing unmistakable similarities to his own genius.

"You must feel privileged to be in my presence," the puppet declared haughtily, her demeanor exuding arrogance despite her unassuming appearance.

Ego sighed wearily, turning his attention back to the screens before him. "What do you want, y/n?" he inquired, his tone resigned as he anticipated her request.

"I've come to check on the boys. Have they all arrived? And should I be present for their arrival?" the puppet asked, her voice betraying a hint of boredom as she glanced disinterestedly at the monitors displaying the incoming arrivals.

"Most of them have arrived, and your presence isn't necessary unless you wish to assist Anri," Ego replied, his focus still fixed on the screens tracking the boys' progress.

With a nod of understanding, the puppet remained in place, awaiting further instruction from her creator. As she stood there, a sense of ennui washed over her, her impatience growing in the face of the idle waiting.

"How tedious," she muttered under her breath, stifling a yawn as she contemplated the monotony of the task at hand.

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