Tiny Turtle

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Tiny Turtle struggles with figuring out who he is.

Love was something everyone experienced, it was a normal emotion. So when Tiny Turtle made the discovery he didn't love, he felt heartless. Maybe he was. Everyone wanted to have someone love them, kiss them, an other half in life. Everyone but Tiny Turtle.

He had his fair share of girlfriends, but as soon as they wanted something more he would quickly cut them off. He felt bad for leading them on but he just felt uncomfortable, unready. As soon as Tiny Turtle made the discovery he didn't like girls, well that ment he had to like boys right? Well no. It was the same, he would go on a couple dates, eventually they would want to go further into the relationship, and then the relationship would plummet.

Although Tiny Turtle didn't like kissing or anything beyond that, he still imagined his future with someone just like him. Maybe it would feel less lonely. They could help each other through the hard times. Cuddle at night. Someone he could introduce as his partner so his family wouldn't be so confused when he told them he didn't love.

But Tiny Turtle felt their was no one like him. So he might just die alone.


Sorry it's taken so long to post this. I've just started school so stories might come out slower. Thanks for reading!

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