Jack x Little Ropo

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Requested by Carly_Goh

There was no doubt about it, Ropo and Jack hated each other. Ropo got on fine with the rest of the group but he could not stand Jack. Jack was the same, he hated Ropo. It was another day in little lizard high and as always Jack and Ropo were at each others throats (figuratively).

"You two look comfy" Jack snarled looking at Ropo who currently had his arm wrapped around Coco, Jack's childhood best friend.   "Settle down children" Little Kelly sighed not wanted to put up with the two boys, Coco however wore that sly smirk like always seeming amused by the boys tussle. "Jealous, are we Kelly?" Coco grinned. Kelly rolled her eyes, deciding to ignore Coco's comment. Carly however was sick of it, "How about you three go sit at a different table, cause I have already had a bad day and I don't want to sit here eating my shitty cafeteria food listening to you, Jack and Ropo's weird love triangle. Jesus!" Carly slammed her tray down glaring at the brunette girl. Coco gasped, "Are you guys gonna let her speak to me that way?" she whined like always. Ropo opened his mouth to speak but Jack cut him off. "What the fuck? You know what fine! I'll just sit with my other friends anyway better then being around this eyesore." He eyed Ropo. Jack walked off. "Don't think cause he's gone you both can stay. Out my sight the pair of ya!" Carly shooed the sickening couple away. Ropo and Coco moving over to Brittney's table. "Thank god" Carly groaned, "What do they even see in that girl?" Kelly looked back glancing at Ropo and Coco sharing food. "Men are stupid, don't ever forget that Kelly." Ally sighed. "What's this about men being stupid" Leo smirked sitting down with the three girls, Raven sitting next to him. "Ropo and Jack both being into that girl, Coco." Carly answered. "Jack's into Coco?" Leo questioned. "Obviously." Raven looked at Leo. "Really? I thought Jack had a thing for Ropo." He giggled. 


It was the end of the day and everyone had rushed to their lockers, Raven whined about something his math teacher did, while Jack tried to make plans with Coco before Ropo came back from his locker. Ropo finally made it back to the group to Jack's dismay. "Hey guys, we're planning on heading back to ours so if anyone wants to join." Kelly spoke over the group, everyone agreed apart from Coco who claimed she had an appointment or something, but anyone with eyes could see she was going of with another boy. 

Donny and Donut decided to show up, so eight of them sat around the magical kingdom's kitchen. Jack and Ropo at other ends of the room. Soon people started leaving, only Donny, Ropo, Carly, Kelly and Raven left. Ropo assumed Donny was staying the night with Kelly, so he was leaving pretty soon anyway. "Ropo you leaving soon?" Carly asked, "Yeah I was just about to go." Ropo replied. "Oh on your way home can you drop this off at Jacks?" Carly held up a black jacket, Ropo look at he face to see if she was lying, everyone knew him and Jack didn't get along. "Please." Carly whined, Ropo just sighed, "Fine." He huffed, taking the jacket of Carly. "Thank you, byeee" Ropo just waved, dreading going to Jack's house.


Eventually he was right outside Jack's house, he slowly made his way up to the door, knocking it three times. Jack opened the door clearly confused on who was on the other side. Ropo just held up the jacket "Carly wanted me to bring this to yours" Jack looked confused for a few more seconds before his expression turned annoyed. "Great now I have to wash it." Jack huffed grapping the jacket off Ropo. Ropo don't know what came over him but all he saw was red, and he hit Jack. Moments later both boys were tussling at Jack's front door, Ropo pinned down Jack to the floor, sitting on top of him, he was about to throw a punch but then he looked down at Jack's face, as he desperately tried to free himself. Again he didn't know what came over him but he leaned down and.. kissed Jack, Jack tried to move at first but mumbled something before kissing back. Ropo's mind when blank. A few moments they broke apart letting air flow back into there lungs. "I still hate you" Jack huffed, and Ropo rolled his eyes.


The next day Ropo and Jack walked into school together. "Told ya it would work" Carly smiled at her friends. "I knew Jack had a thing for Ropo." Leo grinned. 


IDK IF THIS IS GOOD??? I kinda wanted to skip there best friends phase so it was an enemies to lovers type thing. Also fuck Coco. Hope you like it Carly_Goh

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