Little Donny x Donut

158 1 14

Request by Waley70alt 

Prompt: Putting the younglings to sleep.

Important story plots:

-Baby Leah is 2

-Baby Max is 4 and a half.

-Max and Donut are humans.


Donny finished tucking in the blonde girl, as she snuggled into her pink sheets. Donny smiled at his sister looking over at his boyfriend, who was putting his younger brother to bed. Although he was having a much harder time. Max was still wide awake, ready for adventure, but they had to schedule an earlier bed time so the babies could develop probably and grow healthy. 

Leah was laying sideward facing baby Max, watching him kick and whine, "I'm not tired!" He cried, struggling in Donuts grip. "Please Max, I promise it be day time before you know it." Donut pleaded with the younger, but his words made no impact on the screaming child. Leah saw her brother walk beside the two brothers. "If you go to sleep, you can have stake and cake for breakfast." Donny bribed. Max stopped for a second, thinking deeply about the offer. "Stop it Donny, our parents banned cake and stake for breakfast." Donut mention, which sent Max into another tantrum. Donny sighed sadly, "Just let him tire himself out, love" Donut smiled up at Donny. 

Soon Donny had an idea, "How about I sing you a lullaby, and if your good Donut will read you a bedtime story." Max stopped panting, Leah jumped up excitingly waving her hands around, Donut sighed, but he was excited to hear his boyfriend sing. So he smiled, moving back from baby Max as Donny wrapped the blanket around the young boy. Leah lay back down, looking up at her brother who was now standing in-between the two kids. He began softly singing a slow, gentle melody. As he sang the two kids quiet down, only Donny's soft voice filling the room. Donut smiled, letting his boyfriends soothing voice calm him. 

Donny finished the rhyme, looking back at his boyfriend signalling at him to start his chosen story. He slowly walked over and started reading the first few pages of the story book. He stopped when something touched him, he looked over at Donny who was fondly looking at the sleeping children. Donut lowered his book, he sighed quietly. He looked at Donny, placing a kiss on his boyfriends lips.


AHH sorry it took my so long to do this request, I hope this is what you meant! Thanks for reading :D

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