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DAVID SQUIRMED in his seat, his urgency palpable

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DAVID SQUIRMED in his seat, his urgency palpable. the droning lecture seemed to stretch on forever. with a quick nod at his teacher, he mustered the courage to ask, "can i hit the bathroom real quick?"

the teacher, a stern woman with an air of impatience, shot a disapproving look at david. "make it quick, david. we're in the middle of something important here."

rolling his eyes, david shot a brief but deliberate middle finger salute to the teacher before striding out of the classroom. the door slammed behind him, leaving a faint echo in the hallway.

entering the bathroom, david spotted a figure near the sinks, the sight of which brought a tense coil to his stomach. it was darrian, his sworn enemy. darrian's hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and tendrils of smoke wafted from the puff bar he held between his fingers. he regarded david with a grin, scanning him up and down, slow and deliberate.

"what the fuck you staring at?" david spat, anger bubbling in his tone.

darrian leaned casually against the wall, blowing out another puff. "nah, nah, don't start shit, bruh," he drawled lazily.

david clenched his fists, his irritation palpable. "ain't starting shit," he retorted.

darrian's eyes locked onto david's, and he pushed off the wall, adopting a challenging stance. "stop fronting, man. ain't nobody got time for your attitude."

david ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his movements. "you're getting on my last nerve," he admitted through gritted teeth.

darrian smirked, leaning in slightly. "so do something about it, then," he taunted, a glint of challenge in his eyes.

feeling the heat of anger rising within him, david closed the gap between them, pressing darrian against the wall. his hands slammed on either side, boxing darrian in. he stared into darrian's eyes, a silent promise of confrontation in his gaze.

darrian, very popular for his explosive temper, could feel the anger rising within him. he shot david a glare, a silent dare for him to back off. "yo, back off, man, you're mad mook" darrian muttered, his tone low.

david, seemingly unfazed, sensed the brewing storm within darrian. he had seen this before, how darrian's temper could ignite like a powder keg. casually, david let out a small chuckle and mumbled a soft "nah," as he extended his finger to gently lift darrian's chin. darrian's eyes narrowed, but before he could react, david's words coupled with the touch of his finger on darrian's chin had darrian momentarily locked in place, his attention snagged.

in that tense moment, darrian's breath caught as he felt the warmth of david's finger on his chin. with a huff, he slapped david on the jaw, his words dripping with disdain, "don't fucking touch me again," darrian spat.

david's fingers instinctively flew to his jaw where the sting of darrian's slap lingered. anger flashed across his face before he clenched his fists, finally snapping. the room exploded into action as they began to throw punches, each blow charged with pent-up aggression. these weren't the weak-ass punches from a playground brawl— these were punches fueled by raw emotion.

as the fight escalated, david managed to gain the upper hand, forcing darrian onto the floor. straddling darrian's chest, david grabbed his wrists, restraining his movements. darrian struggled beneath david's weight, his heart pounding, and his muscles tense.

david's grip on darrian's wrists tightened, and he leaned over him, his eyes locking onto darrian's. blood trickled from a small cut on david's lip. darrian's gaze flickered to the cut before locking back onto david's eyes. involuntarily, he noticed how david's features seemed sharper, his defiance oddly attractive.

with a deep breath, darrian managed to regain his focus, his eyes demanding release from david's hold. "let me go," he growled.

david shook his head, his lips curling into a taunting smile. "nah, not gonna happen. you feel me?" he inched his face closer to darrian's, his body shifting ever so slightly.

darrian's mind raced, his heart pounding as david's movements triggered an unexpected reaction. a low groan escaped his lips, a reaction he couldn't suppress. the proximity was driving him wild, and he squirmed beneath david, struggling to control his reactions.

"let me go, i'm for real, nigga," darrian insisted, his bravado masking the way his vulnerability peeked through. he met david's gaze, his eyes pleading for release.

david's gaze bore into darrian's, and his laughter cut through the tension. "is it cause i turn you on? yeah, nigga, i feel it." the words hit darrian like a blow, and he scoffed, denying the truth. david's lips hovered dangerously close to darrian's, his voice barely above a whisper. "i ain't finna do nun, it's up to you." the words hung in the air, a tantalizing invitation that darrian found hard to resist.

darrian's eyes were drawn to david's lips, a magnetic pull he couldn't ignore. his mind swirled with confusion and desire as his body responded to david's proximity. "i hate you so much," darrian whispered.

david's slow nod seemed to acknowledge more than just darrian's words. "mhm," he murmured, his gaze holding darrian's captive.

the world seemed to narrow as darrian's focus zeroed in on david's lips, and before he knew it, he gave in to the pull. their lips met in a kiss that was both heated and hesitant, a battle for dominance that left them both breathless.

between their kisses, darrian's voice wavered. "this ain't good," he panted, his lips brushing against david's.

david's response was another searing kiss, his actions speaking louder than words. darrian's resolve crumbled as he let go of his own hands, his fingers tangling in david's hair. the kiss deepened, and their fight for control continued, a dance of tongues and passions intertwining.

darrian's breath hitched as david's lips trailed to his neck, igniting a fire within him. he groaned in response, his fingers gripping david's hair, craving more of his touch.

"do you like what i do?" david's whispered question sent shivers down darrian's spine. he nodded fervently, unable to deny the intoxicating effect david had on him. with a final kiss behind darrian's ear, david whispered, "we gotta stop. someone could come in."

darrian reluctantly pulled away, his chest heaving as he looked at david, his desire mirrored in his eyes. "yeah,"

as david stood up and straightened his appearance, darrian followed suit, both of them trying to regain their composure. david caught his reflection in the bathroom mirror, fixing his hair. "nigga, you messed up my bun," he commented, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"don't start, bro," darrian responded with a hum.

after a moment of quiet, david broke the silence. "so, can i get your number or what?"darrian shot him a skeptical look but ended up sharing his number. david grinned as he entered the digits into his phone. "i expect a text tonight," he said confidently.

darrian rolled his eyes. "whatever you say man. but don't go spreading this shit around. my friends would kill me."

david nodded, a knowing smile on his lips. "nah same." with that, darrian left the bathroom, leaving david alone with a mixture of emotions and newfound possibilities swirling in the air.

hiii, so i'm back nowww 🫣🫣 my bad for the slow updates baes....

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