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Sarah turns to face me smirking

" Hi Rachel nice to meet you"

she walks closer to me with each step slowly. My heart rapidly beats as my hands gets wet,

"Please don't I didn't mean to"

I beg backing up getting trapped.


Elizabeth screams yanking my hair dragging me back to the center.

"Here's what Sarah, I need you to teach her a "lesson" okay?"

She turns to face me

"And make sure that face of her has a little scratches"

I look at her scared Why me its not my fault that Harry keeps talking to me! After those thoughts a sharp pain impact my stomach causing me to wheeze badly, crawling away from Sarah she pulled me back by my legs, kicking me in the face harshly

"Don't crawl away from me that disrespectful"

she lifts my chin up smiling then punch me real hard in the face.

Blood oozes out of my nose and forehead, my vision getting blurred

"Please I had enough" I whisper loudly

"Oh no but you haven't yet until Elizabeth gets her turn."

I face Elizabeth seeing a pipe in her hand no.... I back away screaming at her calling her a monster or a slut.

"But I love being a monster it's fun"

then she took a swing at my head, causing me to blackout.

I was pretty sure I was dead but sadly no as I gain consciousness as the side of my head throbs, getting up I don't see Elizabeth or Sarah. Brushing the dirt off my pants I touch the side my head I feel a moist substance on my fingers Shit... Blood I groan as I run out the abandoned equipment room to the nearest bathroom to help myself until

"Oh my god!!".......

Sorry if all my chaps are short or just really bad really sorry

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