10. kick names, take ass

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chapter ten
kick names, take ass

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"THIS FEELS SO WEIRD." Jules mumbled as she lazily spun the desk chair around in the centre of their shared dorm, they could hear the hard metal that Fulton and Dean were playing in the distance, down the hall and the other boys just having a laugh and being extremely loud. Thankfully, they had a level to themselves, dedicated to the USA teams, and this section was for hockey, "Being away from home for an entire month, maybe even longer."

Connie smiled, "It's scary, but great." She tucked her clothes neatly into her dedicated draw, in the bottom, since she's the youngest. It was the best way to order their clothing. Julie was sat on her bed, sketching something in her book. 

Barnes looked at her watch, it was a little past nine. With a sigh, she got up and grabbed her skates from under the desk with the missing chair, "I'll see you in a bit. Gonna get an hour of practise in before curfew." The girls took little notice of her leaving, humming in response. Jules didn't forget to swipe up her hoodie before heading down to the ice. 

On her way there, she bumped into Adam who seemed to be doing the same, although he was carrying his stick, she had stupidly forgotten hers and had just planned to skate about, "Oh, hey, girly-pop." Jules recoiled, internally cringing, "Sorry, don't know why I said that. You practising as well?"

"No, just skating." She tells him with a small nod, "It's something I used to do when I was stressed, skate. It takes my mind off it all. When I'm on the ice, nothing else matters." Banks listens carefully as she speaks about what it's like for her skating as they walk down to the rink, crossing threw the courtyard and into the huge stadium dedicated to ice skating, soccer and gymnastics. 

Once the teens were laced up, they glided onto the ice. Jules had her walkman and effectively ignored Adam as he took penalty shots with a pile of pucks, she blasted some of her favourite music and ended up doing a little of her figure skating routine, remembering it like muscle memory. Coach Taylor was always annoyed she never remembered how to do the jumps, she took each one differently and landed each jump differently but the routines were always done to perfection and everyone always watched in awe as she gracefully glided over the ice like a swan. 

Banks got distracted when he saw her twirling in the reflection of the glass, and turned to see her spinning around, she lifts her foot up, holding the blade in her hand and then dropping into a sitting spin before jumping up, digging her toe-picks into the ice and then carrying on with the routine. Instead of the quad axel, she does a simple toe-loop which doesn't hurt one bit as she skates backwards, one leg extended out behind her and her back out straight when she drops both her feet to the ground and carries on skating about, moving her hands to the silence. 

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