Fighting Alone

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Cat noir fell back off the railing, landing on his back. 'Ow' he thought but had to stay focus, armored-bug twirled around as fast as she could, a hand, her hand out in front of cat, to help him up. Instead of taking it, he looked at ladybug, I mean armored-bug and couldn't help but feel is was all his fault, now noticing the hand, that has been waiting for him to take it, quick he stood not take her hand.

"Ladybug, what... What happened... To you?" Cat noir trailed off, again another realization hitting a bit harder than the other ones. Armored-bug was ladybug, how the hell with he supposed to fight, take down, defeat her, and there is no way could he get the akuma afterwards.

He was lost on what to do, he couldn't do anything without ladybug. "Ladybug you need to break out of his control" this was the only plan cat could come up with, "this isn't... you"

"Of course it's me cat, this has been me all along" she started to walk towards him and he started walking back, "we could be happy now... together... forever".

Cat noir's back hit against the middle bit of the Eiffel Tower, she had him cornered. Cat needed to get away from her, find a safe place lay low and think of a plan. Cat noir did the one thing he could think off, just pushing her away, yep, that was how he got away, from ladybug, armored-bug.

Using his stick to landed perrrrrfectly, trying to find a place to hide was hard, he couldn't go in the usual places as she would know where to find him. Cat was going passed the park, but he saw a elderly man waving his arms trying desperately to get his attention, and he thought  hiding in the park would be a pretty ok-ish place. Right in plan sight he thought.

He jumped down to meet the man, "hey, what's wrong sir, I'm in a bit of a rush" he said adding a laughing sigh, he went and strutting to a nearby tree to hided behind it, The elderly man followed.

"I was worried this day would come" the man started to slowly walking way, gesturing the cat to follow him with an arm movement. "You must come with me cat noir"

For whatever reason cat noir did as he was told, He always was a good kitten. They both walked to a dark damped Alleyway and into a door. Cat was weary but stepes in anyway, it was dark only the dim light from the windows beamed through, the main light came on making cat noir squinted his eyes at the sudden light.

"Um... Sir" cat noir was getting weirded out now and a bit paranoid as the man was gone from his sight, looking around and no sign of him. "Where did you go?" Cat said out loud before tripping up on the rug that had formed a hump.

"Cat noir... " cat heard the elderly mans voice. "You are not meant to know about me yet... But we, you are in Dier need of some help" finally in front of him stood the man with a joint ring, well that's what cat thought it was called.

Cat picked it up "uh, what is this?"

"It's the rooster miraculous, it will grant you any power you wish for" the man looked down "unite the cat and rooster miraculous together and defeat armored-bug"

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