Getting You Out

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"Ok, marionette" He started, putting his hand out to help her up. She took it, of course she did, "you need to think of all the positive things that has happened in your life, I think that might work"

Marionette nodded, she clenched her hands up to her heart that was still beating rapidly, and started to think about, happy stuff. The lovely stuff she had done in her life.

That time marionette's dad took her on that golfing trip, she was bored, probably because she didn't know how to play,
or that time mum saved her from tripping down the stairs, I mean how dose she fall down the stairs when there's nothing to trip on. How embarrassing she thought.
Oh, or that time chole tried to one up her on that hat competition, copying, no stealing her hat design, but we got her and Mari won.
Marionette chuckled all the memories, all the things she had gone through this year already. It had made Adrian smile, it was working he thought.

Suddenly a bright, white light pushed him out, the blow making rooster noir hit into a wall of a building, in the real world. It's hurt sure but "marionette" he looked up from the ground wondering what was going on with his lady, armored-bug with her hands on the top of her head, "ahhh... Uhhh... Aummm" moans and groans was all she could manage to say, as mari was rocking her head back and forward. "You can not control me howk moth!... I won't let you!"

A dark gray light came out of her that had lifted her cms from the floor and it disperse all around her, a deep breath escape from her, as she fell back down to the ground landing on her feet, just to fall on her knees. After ladybug court her breath, she thought she had better take a deep breath, just to help calm down a bit more.

Ladybug stood to her feet to look around, no damage. "That's good" she said relieved.

Ladybug saw the akuma and got her yoyo out to capture it "no more evil doing for you little akuma" spinning her yoyo in circles in front of her body "time to de-evilise" capturing it before letting the now white butterfly flutter away "bye-bye little butterfly"

Luckily there was no damage to Paris, as ladybug had not called her lucky charm. Being akumatize and all.

She turn to the side to watch now cat noir slowly stumbling towards her, still in a bit of pain and alleviated from seeing his lady back, "oh, cat" ladybug said tears swelling in both hers and his eyes, making them turn the red-ish pinky colour. They ran as fast as they could to get in each other arms, "t-thank you so so so so so much" a stuttering cry.

"Hey you could say... I was the pawfect super hero today" he sniffed as the water droplets from his red eyes kept coming.

They laughed.

Cat noir cupped her face with his hands. "I love you ladybug, Or should I say... marionette"

She had forgot about that.

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