Chapter 35

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"What's wrong with you?" Itsuki Nakano looked at the star college student with concern.

"What do you mean?" The obviously spaced out Fuutarou asked.

"You look dead."

"I always look dead."

"You look more dead." She corrected, taking off her glasses and cleaning them. "Did something happen?"

The two of them were studying at the Nakano dinner table. They had a semi-important test coming up and were trying to get in a few more hours of learning.

"Don't laugh." He warned.

"Anything you say isn't funny anyways so it shouldn't be a problem." she replied.

He took a deep breath. "Well, you see... I had a dream, that it was my wedding day. And the girl I was marrying was one of you-"

"STOP STOP STOP!" She flailed her arms around in a panic. "First of all what kind of dream is this?! You pervert, second of all why is it us?"

"I don't know it was a dream?!"

"Wait, don't tell me that... you like us?" Itsuki shot him a look.

Fuutarou couldn't help but scratch his head. "I don't know... I don't dislike you all? But that's not all I literally couldn't tell you all apart. And when the bride was going to tell me her name-"

Itsuki face palmed. Honestly this couldn't be any worse than she could imagine. Literally anything that could possibly go wrong, was going wrong.

He had once again developed feelings for the girls, maybe herself included, but she didn't care about that. She knew what happened between the five of them when the others chased after him.

Itsuki had always been the most reluctant one to chase. She never really considered the idea of having him as a romantic partner. They were just... partners.

At least partners that were always there for one another. When one of them needed help the other would immediately swoop in to save the day. They were people who depended on one another. Partners right?

So then why... was there a tight feeling in her chest whenever he brought up the idea of him liking one of her sisters.

She quickly dismissed those thoughts and continued to pester the person in front of her.

"A dream is a dream. But, in that moment who did you wish it was?" she unloaded a huge attack.

"I don't know."

The attack backfired.

Of course this idiot wouldn't know. He had just gotten his memories back and he had just started talking to the quintuplets like they used to. Everyone was still being caught up to speed with certain matters and there was no doubt that Fuutarou's feelings were a bit confused still.

If you had just gone through the things he went through in the span of less than a year then you too would have a hard time configuring your emotions.

It was only natural of him to "not know."

"Hey Uesugi-san how do I do this problem?"

Itsuki quickly changed the subject as she too was probably not ready to address these emotions he was feeling.

Their tutoring session ended and Fuutarou went to go take a bath. As Itsuki was cleaning up the dining room table she heard someone come in.

Ichika Nakano stood by the doorway taking off her shoes and putting on some slippers.

"I'm home!" she called out setting her stuff down on the coffee table and immediately flopping on the couch. "Where's Fuutarou-kun?"

"Taking a bath." Itsuki said putting the remaining objects away from their study session.

"And everyone else?" Ichika's voice muffled through the pillow she was laying on.

"Not sure. Yotsuba is definitely running though."

"That girl seriously needs to learn to take a rest..."

As Itsuki finished clearing the table, Ichika turned over to her side, looking towards the kitchen area.

"Hey Itsuki." Her tone shifted a bit.

"Yeah?" The youngest quintuplet dug through the kitchen looking for a snack.

Finding a bag of chips she walked over to the couch where Ichika laid.

Ichika had always looked out for her. Being the youngest out of the five, Ichika made sure to be especially protective over Itsuki, her littlest sister.

And through this relationship, Ichika became very good at understanding the thoughts and doings of her little sister.

"Say..." Ichika started, "it's been a while since it's just been the two of us huh?"

"Well I guess everyone else has been home a lot too." Itsuki noted opening her snack.

"Not just the other girls, but even Fuutarou-kun has been around. Making it kind of hard for just the two of us to talk."

"Is there something you do need to talk about?" Itsuki asked while she munched on the chips.

"Do I really need a reason to talk to my cute little sister?" Ichika squeezed her sister in a hug.

"I guess not. Also could you please not treat me like a child anymore?"

"You'll always be my little sweet Itsuki."

A few moments passed before Ichika finally let go of her sister.

"Actually, there is one thing I wanted to talk to you about." Ichika's gaze changed.

Her eyes were no longer filled with her care free personality. For once she was actually talking about something with some thought.

"What is it?" The star accessorized girl set down her food.

This was serious.

"Do you mind telling me... what exactly you're trying to do?"

"What do you mean?"

Ichika leaned in closely and whispered.

"I know that you triggered Fuutarou's memories." She said following up with an even quieter voice, "And only you knew about it..."

Itsuki face turned pale as her older sister looked at her with a sweet smile on her face.

"So do you mind telling me? What you're planning to do?"

She was in a corner. What would she say? What could she say? Nothing was coming out of her mouth.

"The thing is..."

Hello everyone! If you're reading this then I am still updating. As of time finishing this chapter of the story it is currently 8/29.

I'm planning on using the weekend to write the next chapter that way I'm always 2 uploads ahead of the next weekly upload.

Anyways hopefully you all enjoyed. Let me know how it was in the comments and tell me your favorite anime song or song in general.

See you next week!


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