Chapter 8

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Fuutarou Uesugi woke up to a ring of his cell phone. He was a bit surprised to find that it wasn't dead mainly due to the fact that he never charged it.

It was a phone call. At two in the morning? Who in their right mind would call this late at night?

It was Itsuki. 

"Yo." He answered.

"Uesugi-kun? Can you join me on a walk?" the red head answered.

Fuutarou didn't really know how to respond. He was tired, but at the same time Itsuki sounded concerned. He tried to think why she would need to talk to him this late at night.

Things seemed to be normal ever since they learned they all were attended the same school. At least to Fuutarou it seemed that way. The same couldn't be said for Itsuki.

Luckily the fact that they were neighbors wasn't revealed yet, and that's good. It seemed like she had limited amount of time before that would be leaked. 

"Fine." Fuutarou finally responded.

He dragged himself to put on a sweatshirt and some shoes, before opening the door and heading out into the dark and frigid night. 

Leaning on the porch outside was the youngest Nakano. She also had a casual sweatshirt on. She had a look of concern on her face. 

"Come on," she said. "I know a park where we can walk."

Fuutarou obliged, and followed right behind her. 

The walk was silent. Fuutarou kept a few steps behind Itsuki. There were couples left and right in the park. Pretty much what Fuutarou expected, what people would be out at night together this late? 

Couples. Which is exactly what Fuutarou was afraid of. He made sure to give Itsuki her space. Didn't want to attract attention to himself. Itsuki blushed a little, she wasn't expecting there to be this many people...

Some couples laughed a little on the sidelines. "You think they're fighting?"

"Is this going to be the breakup talk?"

They ignored those comments and found a bench that was a little away from the other people.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Fuutarou asked.

Itsuki took a deep breath and just decided to say it. "How are you feeling about all of this?"

"What do you mean?" 

Itsuki rolled her eyes. "You know exactly what I mean. You tell all of them that you like them, you said you were going to give an answer but you didn't show up. Then you go to the same university of them. Not only that you're freaking neighbors!" She yelled.

That earned them looks from the other people there. 

"Yup, they're breaking up..." One commented.

Fuutarou spoke up, "So you're basically asking me how I feel about this whole situation? Well I think this is something written out of a harem manga."

"Oh my god, shut up and give me a real answer!" Itsuki said pouting. "Personally I think if  you just gave an answer this whole situation could've been avoided."

Now it was Fuutarou's time to yell. "You don't think I care?! You don't think I know that I blew them off like that?! I may have not had the answer then, but I still would've given an answer anyway!"

Itsuki wasn't afraid to fire back. "You had plenty of other chances to say! You could've called us all again and told us a different time! But you didn't. Wanna know why? Because you're afraid! You're afraid that your choice would affect all six of our relationships!"

"Your dang right I'm afraid! I don't want to hurt any of you! I don't know if you know this but you guys are my closest friends and I care about you all a lot!" 

Itsuki smiled. "Then you should have just said that in the first place." She softened. "You should really talk to them about it."

"Itsuki, listen. I can't. I just can't." he explained. "I can't find it within myself to do so."

"Then how about this, you have a chance to restart. Just imagine nothing has happened an re- fall in love with them!" Itsuki said punching his arm.

That's what she said. Re-fall in love with them? So basically go on an adventure with them again? He was he supposed to do that?

Itsuki left that conversation without considering one thing. What about her? Where did she stand in this? What happens if Fuutarou fell in love with her? 

She shook her head. "Ugh, why does my life have to be like this!"

Okay I got a question for you all, would you guys rather have shorter chapters like this, but I update more frequently, or would you rather have longer chapters but longer updates (about once a week).

Anyways thanks for reading, this is I guess the true beginning of their love stories. So yeah hope you all enjoy and I'm gonna go eat cause I'm hungry!

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