chapter 3

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                                                         ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ------------------------------------ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

that night, y/n had a nightmare. despite enjoying her day and not experiencing traumatic, she had the worst sleep she's ever gotten in her life.

y/n could see herself standing before voldemort. she looked paler, thinner and had dark eyebags. her other self bowed down to voldemort and he used his index finger to lift her chin. y/n felt herself shudder as he placed a ghastly mask on her face. y/n screamed trying to warn her other self to run away, to hide, to save herself. unfortunately, all her efforts were useless as her other self stood up and was now the high reeve. 

y/n gasped as she sat up, cold sweat dripping and slight tears on her cheek. 

(first person)

i wiped the sweat off my forehead as i recalled the dream i had. was this foreshadowing the future? was this my fate? i thought that running away from my parents and old life would have a different outcome on my future. i sobbed, holding my face in my hands. i thought back to the new 'friends' i made. i shook my head, who would want to be friends with me after this? i'm a terrible person who will destroy anyone near me. 

i was so consumed in my self hatred and misery that i didn't hear ginny knocking on my door. 

(third person)

ginny looked at the others as she knocked on your door- yet no answer. ron panicked, "what if she's dead? what if her parents took her?" hermoine whacked his head and sighed angrily. "ron, that's ridiculous, we asked the front desk and they said no one came in or out." harry looked at your door worriedly. what if something terrible did happen to you? he pulled out his wand, furrowing his eyebrows in determination and willed the door to open with magic. 

(first person) 

my eyes widened in shock as the teenagers i met with before bursted into my room. 

"do you guys need something?" i queried now standing in front of them.

"mum asked us to get you-" fred started.

"because breakfast is starting." george finished

i looked at them with confusion then shrugged. i put my crocs on and followed them downstairs. a heavenly aroma hit my nostrils when i reached downstairs. on the table, an assortment of foods were displayed. i could see the weasley's mouths watering at the sight of this. a little neon green sticky note caught my eyes and i picked it up inspecting it.

"dear y/n, i hope you've gotten enough rest. i heard what happened with your parents, hope you're alright. love, m.r. yours truly."

i blushed at the note. mattheo riddle. he was always so considerate and kind to me. although it might just be because i'm close with his father. 

"who is m.r?" i squeaked when ron popped up beside me, his mouth filled with mash potatoes. 

"no one." "by the way you're blushing it seems like someone special." harry appeared beside him with a frown.

"just a dear friend to me." i smiled folding the sticky note and placing it in my pocket.

for some reason i could tell the tension n the room became thicker when i talked about the note, but i ignored it.

i helped myself to steak, fries and sushi. feeling full, i decided to explore diagon alley and all the shops has to offer. as i was leaving i felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "y/n is it alright if we follow you? we want to get our books for the new school year." i smiled at hermoine and looked at ginny, harry, ron and the twins behind her. the whole time i was laughing at the twins' joke while ron called them unfunny and ginny challenged him to make a better joke. hermoine gave unimpressed looks and harry just looked embarrassed. 

"that joke sucked." ron grumbled.

"if you're so confident, why don't you give it a shot?" ginny retorted, giving ron a smug smile.

"godric save me." harry mumbled and i snorted.

"how does a penguin build a house?"

"penguins can't build houses ron. you started off with a false statement, making it automatically unfunny." hermoine stated matter of factly while rolling her eyes.

"igloos it together!" ron said, his tone slowly dying out as he realised none of us were laughing.

suddenly the twins bursted out laughing maniacally, "the fact that it was lame made it funny!" fred cried, wiping imaginary tears off his eyes. "try harder next time lil bro." george teased, poking ron's forhead.

(third person)

y/n was so focused on the conversation happening beside her that she bumped into someone. she fell onto her arse with a thump. she groaned and the others checked to see if she was okay. she looked up and her words were stolen out of her mouth and she stared in admiration and awe.

"falling for me already darlin'?"

A/N: i have nothing to say other than its 8pm and im alr sleepy.

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