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I stared at my ceiling, just as I expected tonight would be hard to fall asleep

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I stared at my ceiling, just as I expected tonight would be hard to fall asleep. The pregnancy secret made it hard but the whole Bishop and Taza thing made it nearly impossible.
But tomorrow has to be good, Coco will be back tomorrow night and I'll do whatever announcement Nails' little mind comes up with.

The sound of vibrations made my head snap towards the night stand 'coco' my smile returned to my face as I shot up in bed, leaning my back against the headboard as I quickly clicked accept.
"Hey." I smiled into the phone, hugging the blanket close to my body "Hey." Even tho there was obviously no bump, my hand still fell onto my stomach, I wanted to tell him so bad but I knew I couldn't do that over the phone.

"How's Oakland? Hope it's better than our memorial." I chuckled into the phone, before I went home a huge fight broke up once again between santo Padre and the rest of the Mayans.
"I saw something beautiful. It made me think of you." He admitted making my cheeks heat up as my face scrunched up "Ew, corny." I teased with a small laugh "Whatever." I'm sure he was rolling his eyes on the other end which just made me smile even more. "So how is it going?"

"Good, about to go back to my hotel in like an hour or so." He answered making my eyes jump down to the time, it was getting really late.
"But I can't wait to get home, back to you."
A tingle feeling filled my stomach, god how can I still get butterflies after two plus years?
"When you get back, I need to tell you something." I rubbed up and down my exposed stomach.

"You're just gonna leave me hanging with that?
Now I'm all worried and shit." He laughed into the phone, making me laugh "No, no, it's good." I shook my head, nervously bringing my hand up to my mouth and chewing on my nails.
"Yeah?" I bit my lip, trying not to smile so hard.
"Yeah." I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"You should get some rest, it's getting late."

"Yeah... I know." I sighed, sliding back down into a laying position, turning to my side.
"I love you, Isabella." My stomach fluttered again, I love how he pronounces my full name.
"Say it again." I bit my lip "I love you, Isabella." He repeated making me chuckle "I love you, Coco." The longer we stayed on the phone, the more I wanted to tell him the news but I bit my tongue "Corny." He chuckled into the phone making me laugh "Anyways, asshole." I playfully rolled my eyes "Kiss the kids goodnight for me, yeah?" I glanced over at Diego's baby cam at the mention of our children, he laid peacefully asleep in his crib "Yeah, of course."

We said our 'I love you's' one last time before hanging up. I put my phone back down before squeezing my eyes shut, maybe if I keep them closed long enough I'll fall asleep. It's already two am and I'm sure Stephanie will be knocking on my door in six or seven hours.


I woke up to my cell phone vibrating again, I was so tired I didn't even bother to read the contact before putting it to my ear "Hello?" I tiredly mumbled, my face still stuffed in my pillow.
"I'm outside, get out here." Ezekiel spoke into the phone making my brows furrow, I quickly sat up, my eyes jumping to my window, it's barely light out. I removed my phone from my ear.

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