An update......

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***BEFORE YOU READ: Please understand that this is a duo account, meaning TWO people use it. Hence the name, _Rosee__Mariee_ so when I say, we or us, I actually mean two people. Thank you.*****

My dearest people of Wattpad,
It's Rosee here. I know Mariee and I haven't updated as much as we promised, as we've explained, our schedules got filled up! Now it's summer and school is on break, our original plan of finishing this story over the summer has been demolished by sad news: I'm moving.

This is a big change for this story and the people writing it. Since I am moving so far away, Mariee and I can't continue it together. We have decided to let me ( Rosee) take over the account and finish the story as we originally planned. Mariee has her own account by herself and if she ever reads this I just want her to know this:
Thank you so much for letting me take over and honor and remember you as the great friend you have been. I will miss you so very much and I'm heartbroken at the thought of going away. I will try my best to work around the timezones and your ever increasingly busy schedule to keep in touch. I wish you the best of luck at your new school.

I'm going to explain how this account used to work and how that will change. Mariee was really the driving force behind this whole story. We both came up with the idea together out of boredom in class one day. She immediately started writing and once she was done with Chapter one I added in a few paragraphs of my own and edited it. Then we came up with a chapter name and I made all those beautiful pictures with quotes on them and added them in. I then got her permission, and together we wrote the authors note and after checking once more to see if everything was okay, I posted.

Together we came up with a plot and wrote the chapters accordingly. Mariee wrote the majority of it, I added a few things here and there, edited, made it pretty and posted. Also, since Mariee has her own account and I do not, I was mostly on this one. Everything you see of comments or votes from _Rosee__Mariee_ is me, Rosee. And since I am so active on this account, and have been dying to put my own stories on here; we decided it was best for both of us to let me take over.

I will be posting other stories that I will be writing by myself. I have a few interesting ideas. I have an interesting one that I can't tell you much about since the plot is still in the works, but it should be finished by the end of the summer. I have ideas for a werewolf story and a scifi idea also. I will be keeping the name _Rosee__Mariee_ as homage to my beautiful, wonderful and all sorts of amazing unicorn of a coauthor. I will finish out "The good girl gone bad" as we originally planned but it will take me some time to write it out but as soon as I'm done I'll have the next chapter up.

So, be patient, be kind, tell your best friend you love them! you never know what might happen. I wish you all the best, and remember it's a big time in my life and as soon as I have time I'll finish the story.

Till my next update, _Rosee__Mariee_

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