Chapter 24

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Jisoo's pov

I stumbled on my steps stepped into the class detected my blonde sitting at the front desk beside the window. She eventually peeked at me, maybe she memorized the sound of my footsteps?

She waved a small, Hey, damn it.

She was stunning, I'm still in the stage of figuring out these disturbances in my heart that I discern for her whenever she beams at me. It's like as soon as I noticed her I was not in the world anymore, as if I didn't deserve a pristine soul like her yet I can't seem to see myself without her.

When I was about to approach her a guy arrived out of nowhere seizing her attention, he was blushing while endeavoring to speak to my girl. I would not tolerate this kind of behavior in my presence.

I snatch his phone from Lisa's hand, "What do you think you're doing here?" I questioned him.

"Jisoo, he wa-" Lisa was about to defend him but didn't.

"I'm not asking you, honey" I sneered placing a kiss on her cheek and concentrating back on the guy. "So?" I lifted my brows at him waiting for an illustration.

"That's none of your business, Jisoo. I was talking to Lisa" He attempted to get his phone back so I struck it on the floor.

"It's slipped, sorry Jakie" I snickered.

I never like Jake, he has been tailing Lisa since the semester has begun. Now I certainly can't tolerate him around her before he could mess with me I drew him to me by his collar mesmerizing him to go away and never come back.

"What did you do?" she questioned making me sit beside her I glanced at her hand clenching my arm. She kept asking and I kept getting adrift in her voice or how she confusedly darted at me to get a reaction from me though what mattered at the moment was her hands touching me like I was hers. "I'm asking you something" she whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes sensing her mint puff, She might have acknowledged how her touch was influencing me so she pulled back her hand and I clutched her hand setting it back on my left arm.

"What is this Lisa? Do you feel it too?" I grasp her hand on my arm gazing into her eyes.

My heart kept pulsing whenever she glanced into my eyes, I wished I could capture every moment of her staring at me like this. I wish this moment to halt while I caress her hand on my arm.

She blinked away skimming around so I tugged her head against mine from my right hand making her skim at me, "Jisoo, we're in class!" she precautioned.

"Tell me, do you feel it too?" I trace my hand on my cheek remembering how she did the same last time.

Her eyes were shut as she parted her lips discerning my touch while I made patterns on her cheek grasping her hair, "Yes..." a gasp-like moan escaped from her lips pitching her head back.

Her neck was persuasive, I felt some kind of collywobbels in my stomach detecting her distressing for my touch. It was like a lure pushing me to her slanting in, I scented her honey-like skin thinking Does it taste the same? Skimming my nose around her neck she wrapped her right arm around my back securely As I was about to aftertaste the skin, someone slammed a book on our desk compelling Lisa to pull away acting like she was not begging for me to touch her.

I can't help glaring at the person, "WHAT?"

"Wow... are you two?" Irene pointed her index finger between me and Lisa though I extracted her hand.

"What do you want?" I asked instead, "Chill, I simply came to return your notes" She slid the notes at me.

"So, what are you waiting for?" I crossed my arm. She narrows her eyes glancing at Lisa, "Where are you looking at?" I interrupted her.

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