Chapter 4

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Ruth was feeling rather bad that day. She had good days and bad days, and this was one of the bad ones. She felt like she despised everything, as well as having an intense urge to cry all the time. Carol noticed this, but she knew that, when her friend was in that mood, the best thing to do was to let her be.

It was twenty past seven in the evening. Ruth felt too much like rushing home, throwing herself on the bed and not moving from there until the next morning. She excused herself for a moment and went to the restroom. She leaned her body against the cold wall as she let go of a couple of tears. She looked at herself in the mirror for a second. She was a pretty girl and, above all, she looked normal. Knowing her, no one ever guessed all the shit that was going on with her. Sometimes she wondered what it would feel like to not be tormented, to be happy most of the time.

As she was doing that pondering, someone knocked on the bathroom door "Ruth, are you in there?" Carol asked "Is everything okay?"After making sure the tears had dried, Ruth opened the door with a smile on her lips "Yeah, relax. I just got a little down in the dumps, but I'm fine now."

Carol looked her friend up and down a couple of times, concern in her eyes. Then she fixed her gaze on her eyes and smiled "Well I'm glad...Because you have visit."

Ruth raised her eyebrows, surprised " Visit? Who?"

Carol started down the hallway, wiggling excessively "Come and see."

Ruth laughed softly before following Carol into the bar. Once there, she felt her breath catch and her heart pumped twice as much blood as before. She blinked a couple of times, just to see if she was hallucinating. She wasn't. Kevin was there. Just as tall and handsome as the day before. And as always. As soon as he saw her appear, his face lit up with a smile.

Ruth walked over until she was right in front of him "Hey, what are you doing over here?"

Kevin laughed softly. He really was nervous "Well, I remembered yesterday you told me what time you were over today and I came over... Well, I was wondering... if you'd like to go for a walk."

Ruth was silent as she felt herself blushing. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Carol frantically nudging her head at her to say yes. Ruth looked into those intense green eyes and smiled "Yes, I'd love to."


It was half past ten in the evening and it was quite cold, but Ruth didn't care. She and Kevin were walking around town, chatting casually.

" To be honest, you look a lot older than nineteen to me." At Ruth's indignant look on his face, Kevin laughed " You get me, I don't mean physically. You just look very mature for your age."

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