Chapter 7

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Kevin didn't know how long he had been sitting on the edge of the bed, Ruth's hand entwined with his. As he had imagined, it was a matter of minutes before Ruth fell sound asleep. At first, he thought about leaving, but then he thought it might be unwise to leave her alone in that condition, since she might throw up or something. Well, the truth was that he didn't want to leave her alone.

His eyes were closing and he had winced several times when he heard someone knock softly on the door of the house. Slowly, Kevin separated his hand from Ruth's and walked to the door making as little noise as possible. He opened it just as carefully.

" Is she okay? What happened?" As he opened the door, he found Carol standing in front of him. AJ was there too.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's been asleep for a while." Carol sighed with relief "When I arrived she was very drunk."

"Drunk? Oh, my goodness..." Carol quietly entered the house, followed by Kevin and AJ. Once she reached the room, she took a close look at Ruth. She sighed as she brushed a lock of hair away from Ruth's face.

Kevin advanced until he was next to her "When I got here, and asked her what had happened, she said something. About someone." Carol looked at him "Someone who was going to come back, and he was going to destroy her again. Do you know who she was talking about?"

Carol nodded slowly "Yes, I know who she was talking about..."

"And is someone really going to come back to hurt her?" Kevin's voice took on a tone of concern.

"I don't know, Kevin. I really don't."

There was a silence that lasted a few seconds before Kevin spoke again " knew she takes pills?"

"Yes, I knew that too. She's been taking them for as long as I've known her, more or less." Carol saw Kevin's dismayed face and put her hand on his shoulder "Don't worry, okay? You've done a lot for her. Go home with Alex, you must be exhausted. I'll take care of her."

Indeed, he was exhausted. As soon as he got in the car, he fell asleep. So much so that AJ almost had to yell at him to wake up when they got home. 


The sun coming through the window fell directly into Ruth's eyes. She immediately felt a sharp pain in her head, as if someone was hitting her with a hammer. She sat up on the mattress, feeling her whole body as if swollen. She let out a small grunt of pain. As she massaged her arms with her hands, she thought about what happened the night before. Rather, what she remembered. She had decided to get drunk, although she knew very well that she shouldn't, as it could cause a rebound effect. But at that moment all she wanted was to stop feeling anguish. She drank until she almost passed out. And then he appeared. In her dim memories she saw Kevin kneeling beside her, holding her and whispering that everything would be okay. She also remembered him carrying her to her bed. And she also remembered him finding her pills.

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