Chapter 6

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As soon as Ruth finished her shift she rushed out of the bar and headed home. She showered and changed clothes, choosing a long-sleeved top, blue jeans and black Converse. Minutes later, Ruth was walking down the street with a lively pace. All that change in attitude had a simple cause: Kevin. They had been seeing each other practically every day for the past two weeks or so. Although Ruth had met a lot of guys, she had never felt as comfortable with any of them. And as for Kevin, whenever he was around her, she always forgot what happened with Kristin. Finally, Ruth arrived at the building she was looking for. Just as she was about to open the door to go inside, someone came out. Ruth was so startled that she tripped and fell. But she didn't hit the ground, as a hand grabbed her arm firmly and pulled her to her feet. Looking up, Ruth smiled as she saw those green eyes looking back at her.

"I didn't see you, are you okay?" Kevin asked smiling, but with some concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I just got scared, don't worry." Ruth stretched a wrinkle that was in her top "I thought you guys wouldn't be done recording until six."

"We were fast and were able to finish a little early. Shall we?" Kevin smiled, pointing forward with his head.

A while later, the two of them were walking side by side, very close, while talking about anything and everything. Sometimes Ruth was tempted to take him by the hand, but then she remembered that it had been precisely her who had asked him to go slowly, so she didn't think it was right.

"And you always knew that your passion was music?" Ruth asked curiously.

"Yes. I like a lot of things; football, acting... But music is something else entirely. I'm passionate about it." Ruth smiled at the way his eyes sparkled as he talked about music "I'm very fortunate to be able to work on what I'm passionate about."

"Yes, you are." Ruth sighed "You're lucky to...have something in your life that brings up so many feelings."

Kevin looked at her "Come on, everyone has passions. There's got to be something that makes you feel something inside."

Ruth was silent for a few seconds, thinking. Finally, her mind lit up "Well, now that you mention it...there is something." Kevin looked at her curiously, as if inviting her to speak "If I tell you, you're not allowed to laugh."

Kevin put his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended "I wouldn't dare to!"

Ruth laughed softly "Well, you see. I didn't have the option of going to college, but if I could have gone, you know what I would have studied? Drama." She laughed again as she saw Kevin's eyebrows arch in surprise "Yes, I know it's peculiar, but I've always loved it. When Carol and I were younger, we and a couple of friends would put on plays. I'd write the scripts and they'd act them out. It was fun. I would have loved to devote my life to that, but I guess it couldn't be."

She Will Be Loved (Kevin Richardson)Where stories live. Discover now