Chapter -14

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Ki Pov

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Ki Pov

April, 2022,

Finally! This is what I'm praying for. I'm dying for this day, my God! Almost after months. 

Trespassing into my Hyung's room became very easy now. Since, he is spending his nights overdoing with his job and Mother staying at Hospital for Dad's health care...come on, if not now...I can never do this again. *Grins sheepishly*

Niki! I got your back. Let's do this. "Wohoooo!!" *Shouts in tiny*

"Play it cool, Niki, play it cool. Though Hyung's room is just beside yours, you need to play it cool." *Intense whispers in the silence filled room* "Think about Military training which you saw in the movie, yesterday." *Door opens*

After tip toing myself to the door of Hyung's room, I waited for a while with my hands resting on my hips.

 *Intense ruffling* "That's it!" *Smirks* With the help of a pair of gloves, I turned the door knob and entered the dark room. "My god! The smell" *Sniffs* "Which scent is this arousing?" *Sniffs heavily*

Trailing myself into the dark room, I switched on the chandelier and closed the door behind. To be spoken...about how much I even know what good is even here, in this room. Like, I always wondered what made Hyung not to come out, even on weekends. He spends all the time staying in this room, invariably. 

I used to think there is a secret room or a ghost friend in here.

But looking at it now, it's all normal. *Shrugged* Normal like my own one. A bed with a study table beside. A rack beside a cupboard. It's just a normal freaking room with a combined bathroom. What is even unique here?

*Scoffs* Maybe just like how I thought, my existence in his home might have made him feel uneasy, I guess. So, that's the reason of why...he locked himself up all the time. *Sighs* 

It's alright, Niki. He is good now. He even bought your favourite beverage, doesn't he? He is changing. *Smiles*

With a few steps front, my feet halted near the bed. Glancing at his cluttered bed with his clothes all over...I scoffed in disbelief. "Tidy?" *Scoffs* "Is this what you call tidy, Mom?" Aish!! 

Before going over to his rack I did my best to tidy his bed with all the clothes folded and placed in his closet, orderly. "He has more white and brown shirts but only one black? Wow!" Noticing his casual wear and office attires, I finally moved to his rack and cup board which were not at all changed from my last visit.

There are books which are placed horizontally while few vertically. Does it mean horizontal one's were read and vertical one's has to be, right? Whatever. *Shrugs* I'm not into 'Platonic' like him. I'm of more into 'Angst' if it is about books.

And here I am again, infront of his study table. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I had to. I know he promised and he is changing. But...*frowns in agitation* this is perturbing me a lot. *Scratches his chest in uncomfy*

'I don't want to call you 'Brother'. I can't call you 'Brother'.'

After reading the thing which was hand written by Hyung, I just couldn't able to rest. I'm afraid. Afraid that he doesn't even like us. Afraid that he will leave Me and my Mom like My Father, who died in a car accident and left us.

I don't want to lose anyone. I just want a someone who could stay with me. I just want a Family.

Hyung always behaved like a two faced dude with his Father and Me. And I totally got it since, everyone needs some time to adjust. Okay! Also, after that he changed, a lot.


Right now, Father, his Father is hospitalised and is in ICU, needing a lot of medication and care. Which my Mother is totally for it. Doing her all best and giving all her will to support him even when she herself isn't stable enough. And Hyung? He is neither minding us nor himself. Always tracking himself up with his works and staying at his company, evey single day. 

He is weighing himself with unwanted works on his hands at this crucial time. At that, I couldn't help but wonder with questions. Questions which ought the trust between us. Questions which I don't have enough courage to ask him directly. 

I'm just concerned. 

"What if...what if Hyung also goes away when His Father..." Looking at the Frame on his study table, I couldn't bring myself to obligate the fact. At the picture of us, standing together with our smiles lighting the frame, I troubled myself to query whether..."Is this ephemeral?" *Shuts his eyes tightly* 

*Sighs heavily*

Damn it. 

With all the courage I opened the Dairy.

"Sorry, Hyung! I'm not suspecting you. I'm just...just...worried that you will leave us. I know you care about us. But I want to...see it with my own eyes."

Also, it isn't like this Diary holds answers to my stupid questions or something. It's just my superstition. 

Opening my eyes, I visioned the unfolded Dairy. Opened a random page after riffling a lot of scribbled pages without anymore disquiet. I wanted to trust my gut. I want my trust in Hyung to be prevailed. I want to conquer this edginess.

 Then, I visioned my sight showing a potrait 

The pen or him did an incredible work. I couldn't take my eyes off at my own face. *Holds the Dairy firmly* 

He has some art in him to draw me like his own precis...carnal -ascetic sketch. 

Wait!! Isn't it me when I was on a trip, having campfire with Hyung's? 


So he drew this on that day. *Nods*

And the hair...I think, he kinda drew my hair long on purpose, which is absolutely his type!?!

"Maybe, I need to grow my hair a bit, like how it is in this sketch. I'm sure, I'll look cool." *Giggles*

Trailing down to the neck which he drew...I'm taken back..."Wait! Is my neck that erotic?" *Whispers* I mean, it is so damn sensual. God!!

And he filled the remaining gaps with shades.

  It's just mesmerizing how well my eyes were been sculpted by Him. "How much longer did he stare at me to draw this amazingly?"

Sliding down my eyes from the portrait, I read the letters which stood together as words, 

'My Ki'

Wait, did he just called me as His? *Awestruck* Am I seeing...things right, right?

"Wow!! Lee Heeseung such a man he is. All coldy- coldy outside yet writting all sweety- sweety his Dairy, huh!?!" *Scoffs*

"But...isn't his handwriting a bit familiar?" *Frowns* Caressing the scribbled letters, I struggled to think..."I saw this hand writing before." To say, his handwriting is peculiar to be not forgotten. But where did I saw this, again?

*Footsteps perceives*

My eyes widened at the sound which is ascending the room heavily. WAIT!! Is Hyung here? *Gulps*

*Door knob rotates* No! He can't be here.

*Door opens*

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼 [𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓲] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now