Chapter -25

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Hee Pov

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Hee Pov

"This boy...*Sighs* Did He leave again??" *Knuckle crackles* 

Niki has have been like this when it comes to studies and projects, always bunking the classes and failing in subjects. He have almost seven backlogs from the first year. And I don't know when and how He is going to clear all of them.

But, first where is He? I just went to my room for exactly two minutes straight and where does He left to? Suddenly evaporated like a thin air. *Sighs*

Wherever He might be is...I need to find Him, it's almost past six.

*Phone dials*

"Aish! Ki, pick up the damn phone already" Muttering myself onto the non lifting call, I hurried to dress up to go out and check upon Him.

As Father is in coma, Ki's Mother made us to agree on some finite rules. Rules to be acknowledged in her absence when she goes out to the Hospital to check up on Father. It isn't like we are kids, it's just she is protective and lost hope in Nature. And the rules are pretty intelligible to follow.

Rule 1: No outings on week days especially after past 6 in the evening.

Rule 2: Inform beforehand where you are heading out.

Rule 3: Monthly check up is compulsory.

Rule 4: No backlogs and No wasting of time and money.

Rule 5: Less outside food, more hygienic drinks.

Rule 6: Phone shouldn't be on airoplane mode when you are outside.

Rule 7: Lift the calls and Reply to family texts.

Rule 8: Compulsoryly complete all the homeworks and projects in time.

Rule 9: Never be absent to the classes.

All the rules are obviously and directly points to Ki no matter what. And, Well! He didnt follow any single one of them. What a brat He became? *Frowns in disappointment*

"Jay! Is He with you?" I called to Jay, Ki's friend who might have know something about this Duke.

"No Hyung! What's wrong?" His voice laces concern with some soft clattering noises around.

"It is the nth time of Him bunking the practicing classes and the exams are around in the corner." I shooted my tense, visibly uttering my frustration.

"Oh! I see." He mops. "It's always his thing- of not attending to the classes. What can we expect?" He scoffs with an audible light chuckle. Grasping the attention onto the carpet which is laid near my bare feet, I curls my toes. In desperation, came to the point, "Also! It's going to be Six soon...Mother be calling afterwards. It wouldn't be good if she finds out Him not studying and going out at this late. She is already pale and worsen. So..." I dragged, not knowing how to knit any further.

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼 [𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓲] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now