39 part 2

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Ed:what? Me:can you help get up? Ed:yeah here grab my hands I grabbed his hands and pulled me up me:thank you Ed:your welcome me:hug? Ed:hug I hugged him and I didn't want to let go EVER I felt so happy and safe with him Ed:babe? Me:huh? Ed:let go I can't breath me:sorry Ed:crap!!!!!!! Me:what? Ed:I'm late!!!!!! I was supposed to meet the guys an hour ago!!!!!! He kissed me Ed:bye babe I love you I'll call ya later me:bye I love you too mom:he's so sweet to you!! Me:I know the other day the guys and me were outside and I was cold and I forgot my jacket and he gave me his and went all the way home from Pasadena mom:that's so sweet! Me:it was big on me like big! Can you stay till Ed gets back? Mom:sure I think your dads coming after work me:ok the phone rings me:hello? Ed:hey I'm over at Sammys me:ok hey my dad's coming over when he gets off Ed:ok I'll be back before then me:alright what are you doing? Ed:nothing what about you and you mom? Me:well she's watching tv and I'm eating ice cream Ed:cool Sammy says hi me:hi Ed:she said hi me:my dad's about to get off so can you hurry? Ed:yeah Im on the way me:ok he got home right when my dad pulled up my dad:hi Beth! Me:hi dad! My dad:so Edward do you have the room done? Ed:almost

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now