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A/N: Sorry I'm a bad person with terrible WiFi have this short filler chapter heh

The drive back to the bunker was painfully awkward. I didn't say a word the entire time, opting to let Sam quietly explain things to Jace. Ariel, of whom could apparently ride a motorcycle, was trailing behind us on my bike, because I wasn't stable enough yet. Instead, I sat in the back of the Impala with Dean's bloody head in my lap. He was barely clinging to conciousness, and I shushed him every time he attempted conversation.

"Aria," Dean groaned quietly,, and I shifted my gaze down to look at him. "Please don't...don't beat yourself up over this, okay? Don't try to take this whole burden alone." I didn't say anything, only offered up a weak smile.

Weak. That's all I was. I needed to get stronger. That's what Abbadon had been telling me the entire time; that she wanted me to get stronger. An idea was beginning to form through my cloudy, tired mind. Abbadon hadn't been treating me like her lapdog for the fun of it. If she'd only needed the Mark for her ritual, then she surely could have blackmailed me into it sooner. Why ruin my mind? Why train me relentlessly? Why get me under her wing like that?

Back in the day, Cain had ruled over the Knights. He had created them.

Now that the Mark branded my skin...

Did Abbadon want me on the team?

"Sam," I gasped out, mind reeling. He glanced over his shoulder, eyebrow raised.

"Are you okay?" he asked, voice wary. I cringed at the tone, nodding.

"Yes, I'm fine, I just... I have an idea. To get the Knights," I admitted, and Sam turned his head back to the road.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, all right? For now, we need to get Dean and Jace healed up," Sam decided. I nodded, leaning back in my seat and staring out the window. Rain started to fall again, and my eyes focused on the tiny droplets sliding down the window.

If Abbadon truly wanted me on her team, would it make me stronger? If I could somehow manage to trick her into thinking that I had lost it, then maybe she would take me back. That way, I could kill them. The whole idea was absurd. Sam probably wouldn't let me do it.

I'd have to go behind his back if he refused.

Crowley would undoubtedly help. After all, he seems to owe Dean.

From my time with Abbadon, I can remember a few allies that I had made, too. They could easily contact her. I could work with her. I could kill her.

A solid plan began to form in my head. I felt the Mark start to pulse, almost like it was hungry at the thought of murder.

I guess it was.

"That's insane," Sam growled, crossing his arms. I snorted, taking another gulp of my whiskey.

"I'm insane, if you haven't noticed. Besides, I don't see you coming up with anything better," I shot back lazily. I was sitting cross-legged on a chair in the living room of the bunker. Sam sat beside me, Ariel and Jace taking up two chairs on the other side.

"That plan is quite risky," Jace admitted, and I shot a glare this way.

"Well, it's a good thing that I'll be risking my life and not you, then," I sighed, and Jace clamped his mouth shut. "I'm not grasping random ideas here. While I was with her, I remember her teaching me things. Training me. She would send me out on missions and... and punish me if I failed. Abbadon let me organize attacks, let me in on the plans. I know more about demons than anybody here. they don't all obey Crowley; there's a bunch of small, rebellious groups that Abbadon would have me eliminate."

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