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A/N: OKAY SO IM SO SORRY FOR BEING SLOW i went to warped tour and got my nose pierced and was rlly busy but here's this enjoy it even though im bad at everything asjfhhf as usual point out my dumb mistakes bc i had to rush this bc wattpad decided to dELETE THE WHOLE THING 

"Jesus Christ, Aria, slow down," Asmodeous called from behind me. I kept my pace, my slight limp not wavering my speed.

"Isn't that ironic of you to say?" I snapped back, my voice flat. Asmodeous snorted, jogging to keep up. 

"I guess it is. Don't change the subject. Why are you walking so fast? You just got back. Don't you want a break?" he asked, voice taunting.

He knew damn well what I needed. I hadn't killed in about four days, surprisingly, and the Mark was restless. I'd been jumpy and nervous the past two days, the calm physically paining me. 

"No, I don't want one, but you'll be getting a permanent one if you don't shut the hell up," I growled. Asmodeous made a soft oooh noise, hissing between his teeth.

"Harsh," he giggled, and I quickened my pace slightly, feeling his presence  at my heels.

"Don't you have anything better to be doing? Anything at all? Or are you that unimportant?" I sighed. I heard shuffling clothes and assumed that he shrugged.

"Sister dearest wanted me to monitor you. Don't take it personally, you're just a bit of a loose cannon," Asmodeous admitted. I stopped walking and spun around to face him.

"Abbadon put you up to this?" I demanded, and Asmodeous rolled his all-black eyes.

"Well, duh. Didn't I just say that? And why is this so surprising? You know that she doesn't trust you yet," he told me. I continued on my way, despite Asmodeous's sputters behind me.

"Wait, Aria! Ugh, are you kidding me. You were much more vocal in Hell."

"You were torturing me in Hell. I had a reason to be 'more vocal,' idiot."

"Hey, not like I wanted to. It's kind of my job."

"Are you kidding? Whatever. I'm done talking. Shut up before I rip out your overactive tongue and hang you with it."

"Aw, come on! You were actually warming up to me there."

Thankfully, we reached our destination. I didn't bother knocking, making my way into the familiar office-type room. 

"Once again, Aria, knocking is always polite," Abbadon sighed, but I decided to not respond. Instead, I stomped my way over to her desk and slammed the palm of my hand on the table. 

"Why would you order him to watch me? It's like you're asking me to kill someone," I yelled, and Abbadon raised her lip at me. She held up a hand, and I suddenly couldn't breathe. Choking, my arm gave out, and I fell to my knees, glaring at the demon in front of me. 

"I ordered him to watch you because last time I let you act freely, you betrayed me and almost ruined everything. Remember that I am in charge here," Abbadon growled. I couldn't say anything, so instead, I sent my dirtiest look her way. She walked slowly around the desk to where I stood, crouching down to look into my eyes. 

"I can't tell which Aria you are, or when you'll switch. You're unpredictable. But, a very nice weapon. You're disposable, though. I could kill you in a second. You don't fear me as much as you should," she continued, and I started to laugh. It sounded more like a wheezing cough, but Abbadon understood anyways. She released her grip on my throat and I started gasping between my laughter.

"Go...ahead," I wheezed, and Abbadon appeared confused for a second. 

"What?" she asked, voice hard.

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