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Authour's Note: This chapter is really hastily done. Please point out any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes, or tell me if something doesn't make sense. Thanks :D

I was dying.

Sharp, stinging pain laced my muscles, pricking me every time I moved. The marking on my arm was a glowing red, searing like a million bee stings. My lungs wheezed when I breathed, and my heartbeat was far to quick. I was shivering to the point where my teeth chattered, but I felt sweat rolling down my temple and neck. My head pounded in time to my heart, each time like a bomb going off. I gagged, but had nothing in my stomach to throw up. 

"Listen, I'm sorry, but I'm telling the truth. You're going to kill yourself," Abbadon called through the locked door. I'd been in here suffering for two days, living off chips and tap water from my bathroom. I'd started getting sick about four days earlier, and on the second day, Abbadon told me the truth. But I refused to accept it. 

"I-I don't n-need to kill," I wheezed out, my breathing laboured and heavy. "I'm j-just sick."

"Please. Aria, just let us in. We want to help you," Conner pleaded. I was about to answer, when a cough racked my body. Blood bubbled up my parched throat and splattered onto the floor. I rolled over on the bed, clutching my stomach. 

"I swear, I am going to kick this door in," Conner was telling Abbadon. I screamed into my pillow, half in pain and half in frustration. Me, a descendant of Cain. Abbadon, a demon. I gagged again, tumbling off the bed. Black edged my vision as I stumbled to the door, and my hands shook while I unlocked it. I'd hardly opened it halfway when Conner barged in, swooping me up and laying me back on the bed. I did my best to glare at him, but it was difficult when I kept wincing. 

"I'm glad you finally stopped being so childish," Abbadon scolded, but I ignored her, too intent on the vein in her neck. That vein, so easy to rip open, to watch her blood spewing out and onto her clothes, to watch the life drain from her eyes-

"Now, here," she said, pushing the old blade into my hands. I gasped, some of the pain slithering away. I then realized that Abbadon was holding a cage. I scrambled off the bed, skittering backwards into the wall. My knees were weak, my head spinning.

"No," I managed, the mark- mark with a capitol M now- flickering. Abbadon lifted a small, white rabbit out of the cage. I shook my head adamantly at her, tears blurring my eyes. I could hear the rabbit's heartbeat, hear the blood pumping through its veins. My arm was shaking, tense as I clenched my fist around the handle. My shoulder twitched, inching forward. I held my body against the fall, feeling as if I was about to shatter. I grit my teeth, a groan escaping my throat.

"Just give in," Abbadon purred.

And then the last shard of self-restraint broke. 

I remember falling forward, grabbing the rabbit by the neck. 

Bringing down my blade, jabbing and slicing. 

The thrill, the exhilaration sending shivers up my spine. 

The noise of the fragile heartbeat stopping abruptly.

Humanity seeming to leak from my body. 

The need. The hunger. More, my mind screamed. More. 

Abbadon smiling at me, urging me down the hall.

A random, unfamiliar face twisting in pain. 

Bodies falling to the ground.

The sharp snapping of bones.

Warm blood, coating me like a second skin. 

And then nothing.

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