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                                 BEFORE THE LAST JOURNAL ENTRY

A ragged, long scream tore itself from my throat. I lunged forward, scrambling over to where Conner's body was slumped forward. I took his face in my hands, searching for life in his dull eyes. I leaned his head on my shoulder, hands trying to magically mend where the bones jutted out of his neck. Blood dripped slowly onto the floor.

"Oh, Aria," Abbadon cooed, crouching next to me. "Haven't you learned? Everyone you love seems to end up hurt." I leaped at her, wrapping my hands around her throat. Abbadon gasped, automatically trying to get her hand up to push me away. The Blade had skidded away, just out of arms reach. I closed my eyes, keeping Abbadon firmly pinned. The Blade started shaking before flying through the air and into my hand. As soon as my fingertips touched it, a thrill was send down my spine. The red light blinked out again, and I felt Abbadon slip away. I jumped to my feet, slowly backing up.

"C'mon! Are you really going to back away now that it's a fair fight?" I quipped, stalking forward. The red light flicked on again; Abbadon was nowhere to be seen. I lowered the Blade, still wary. I was about to go into the hall when a needle pricked my neck. I grabbed it, turning around sharply and stabbing it into my attacker's eye. It was Ryan, a demon I'd worked with quite a bit back when Abbadon had me tricked. Ryan sunk to the floor, a hand over his eye. I screamed in anger, crushing the glass tube in my hand.

"Really? More drugs?" I yelled, starting off towards the door. Everything started spinning, and the floor twisted out from under me. I fell, my head slamming off the cement. Sideways, I saw Abbadon stalk towards me.

"It seems like that's the only way to keep you under control," she purred. I weakly lashed out, my arm missing my a mile. Abbadon laughed, her voice light and flawless. The light went out again, and so did I.

The cold woke me up this time. I was shivering in somebody's arms, my hands and ankles bound. My eyes blinked open to a dark sky littered with stars. It was a full moon, the clouds dragging eerily across it. The only sound was the crunch of feet on the fallen leaves, which was odd, seeing as we were in a forest. I'm not sure how long we went on like this; it could have been anywhere between five minutes and an hour. At a certain point I was put down, the wet grass chilling my back. Abbadon was barking instructions, and suddenly the night was illuminated by fire. It flared up, warming my skin. The unmistakable smell of burning flesh wandered into my nose. I sat up, resisting the urge to puke. Abbadon and her minions were lighting bodies on fire. Conner was in there, his mop of black hair burning up, his silky skin melting away. This time I did throw up, leaning over to the side. When I looked up again, Abbadon was shaking her head at me.

"I'm hoping that was only because of all the drugs I poured into you, Aria. If not, I'm going to be very disappointed," she scolded. I glared at her, my body shaking. She was stirring something in an old bowl, hardly paying attention. I watched her intently, trying to free my hands. Abbadon pulled a knife out of her belt and dragged it across her wrist, letting the blood drip into the bowl. She chanted some Latin words, her eyes turning black. My breathing was quickening, my heart beating too fast. Sweat was starting to form on my forehead, and the Mark flared up.

"What... are you doing?" I choked out, blinking rapidly. Abbadon ignored me, signalling to one of her guards.

"Bring them out," she snarled. Two other guards lifted me up, and I resisted, swinging my elbow out and slamming it into his nose. The guard grunted, tightening his grip on my arm. I continued struggling until I heard the voice.

"A-Aria?" it squeaked, quiet and afraid. My head snapped up, and my knees almost gave out.

"Kristina?" I said, starting forward, but the guard pushed me to the ground again. Beside Kristina was the blond girl, Phoenix, along with another girl and two guys.

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