30~Who locked the door?

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The competition is fast approaching.

Judith has been staying back in the library for three hours after school dismissal.

She also tutors Victor twice in a week and it paid off,Vic was a fast learner.

He can now solve linear equations, surds, trigonometry,change of subject formulae with ease.

It's really hard for her considering the fact that she's trying to juggle her preparation for the competition and tutoring Victor.

Victor on the other hand is still thinking of how to ask her out.
Anytime he tries to talk to her about it he will suddenly develop a cold feet and talk about something else.

Kachi and Judith are getting more closer by the day.
For the other days she wasn't tutoring Victor she was learning with Kachi and the other four SS1 and SS2 students.

They are currently alone in the old SS3 class.
The librarian locked up earlier  after one hour because she had an emergency and the library prefect was ill to look after the library.

Judith was solving vigorously pretending not to be aware of him moping at her.

He stared at her face.
It was smooth with just few acne on her forehead which made her imperfectly beautiful.
Her cat like eyes was so pure,it glinted when ever she was excited or annoyed.
Her cute button nose made him want too squeak it.

"Can you stop staring at me like.. like a moron?
If you knew you wanted to stare at me,you should have brought a camera to take a picture.it would definitely last longer." She said still solving stuffs on her book.

"Ohhh,was I staring?
I wasn't looking at you o.
I only zoned out." he defended looking embarrassed.

"Liar, take!,solve those questions and allow me concentrate." she said shoving a past question into his hands.

He wasn't in the mood to read today.
He was happy that he finally had an opportunity to stay alone with her without any audience giving them suspicious glances.

"Jay,let's do something else.
Remember all work no play makes jack a dull boy."

She groaned after getting a wrong answer to a question.

"Fine,let's cool off our brains for a while."

"Here,I brought you Fanta and meat pies."
He noticed that she loved meat pies so much.

"Oh my Gosh!!,how did you know I was so hungry." she shrieked roughly collecting them from his hands.

"You are the love of my life!!" she blurted dreamily.
"Really?" He teased raising his eye brows.

"Actually,I was talking to the meat pies not you." she retorted.

"Okay then,give it back." He said stretching his palms.

"Ehnn?,give what back?,you bought it for me,didn't you?"

"No,I changed my mind." He played serious stretching his hands to collect them but she moved back.

★MY NAIJA SCHOOL TALE★Where stories live. Discover now