Ch8: Hunger at Dawn

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In the pre-dawn stillness, Kazuki awoke with a gnawing hunger that seemed to permeate his very being. He lay in his makeshift bed for a moment, his thoughts already focused on the prospect of finding something to eat. His eyes darted to his remaining MREs, but he hesitated. Only nine were left, and he knew that these were meant for emergencies. He had already consumed the rabbit he caught yesterday, and the MREs were a precious resource he wanted to preserve.

"I need to find something soon," he mused aloud to himself, his voice carrying through the quiet morning air. The dilemma of rationing his supplies weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he needed to be strategic in his choices to ensure his survival in this untamed world.

With resolve, he decided against using an MRE for now. Instead, he would explore other options to stave off his hunger. First things first, he needed fire. He set about kindling a fire, the crackling flames a welcome sight in the dim light. As the fire grew, he reached for one of his precious tea bags and a canteen of water. He chuckled softly, speaking to himself again, "Tea for breakfast, I suppose. Can't use these tea bags too often, though."

His words carried a sense of practicality, a reminder to himself that even the small comforts he had could not be squandered recklessly. The tea bag steeped in the water, releasing its aroma and warmth, offering a small comfort amidst the wilderness.

As he sipped the tea, he savored it aloud, his commentary almost conversational. "Shouldn't use these too often, but once in a while won't hurt. Good to have something to look forward to."

The tea warmed his insides, alleviating some of the hunger pangs. With the cup empty, he set it aside and focused on the tasks ahead. He rose, his movements deliberate as he secured his camp against potential intruders. His survival had taught him the importance of staying vigilant even in moments of rest.

Next on the agenda were his traps. He recalled the adjustments he had made to their trigger mechanisms the previous day, his thoughts again spilling out audibly. "Lighter triggers should improve their effectiveness." He nodded, satisfied with his efforts to optimize the traps for success.

Stepping into the dappled morning light, he inspected the four snares he had crafted. His commentary continued as he examined each one. "Variety is key, can't rely on just one type of trap." His fingers traced the twine and loops, a sense of purpose guiding his actions.

Decision made, he secured the snares in a makeshift bag and headed out along the game trails he had marked on his map. He followed these natural pathways, knowing that they were the lifelines of the animals he sought. At each location, he carefully set the snares, his mind already envisioning the potential catch.

He spoke aloud as he worked, his voice a blend of focus and determination. "Here by this fallen log, there at the edge of the clearing." With each placement, he marked the spot on his map, ensuring he wouldn't forget where he had set his snares.

As he finished setting the last snare, he stood back and surveyed his work. Satisfaction and anticipation mingled within him. "Time to conserve energy," he remarked, his thoughts guiding him back to his campsite.

Back at camp, he settled down once again, his body craving rest after the morning's activities. He lay in his sleeping bag, his mind churning with plans and considerations. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, his voice a mere whisper as he spoke to himself one final time before drifting into slumber. "A productive morning. Later, we'll see what the snares bring."

As the sun began its ascent, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape, Kazuki stirred from his slumber. He stretched languidly, the afternoon light filtering through the trees and painting intricate patterns on his campsite. His thoughts, momentarily displaced from the immediacy of survival, turned to his past – a realm of memories that seemed both distant and vivid.

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