Ch22: Harvest of Dawn

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Dawn had arrived while Kazuki's focused efforts at field dressing the mouflon were nearing their conclusion. The golden rays of the sun began to paint the sky in shades of warmth, casting a gentle light over the meadow where he knelt. His hunting knife gleamed in the early morning light as he worked with urgency, his thoughts a blend of practicality and determination.

The wounded mouflon lay before him, a poignant reminder of the challenges and choices inherent in the wilderness. Sorrow for causing the creature's suffering tugged at his heart, but necessity pushed those feelings aside. He had to act swiftly to prevent the meat from spoiling and drawing predators to the area.

Kazuki's voice accompanied his actions, providing a running commentary of his steps.

"Alright, first things first," he spoke softly to himself, his words carrying both guidance and resolve. "I need to salvage as much meat as possible before it spoils."

The previous shot's impact had punctured the entrails, a complication that added a sense of urgency to his work. His hunting knife glinted as he made careful incisions along the belly of the mouflon. The process required precision, as he needed to remove the inner organs without further damaging the meat. The sun's glow illuminated the scene, casting a warm light on the task at hand.

"Got to work fast," he muttered, his voice a constant companion. "The punctured entrails will spoil the meat if I don't hurry."

Kazuki's hands moved with practiced skill as he worked to remove the innards, his gaze attentive for any signs of spoilage or contamination. He narrated his actions aloud, his words a mixture of guidance and reassurance.

"The stomach and intestines won't keep," he explained as he set those parts aside. "But I can salvage the organs that are still fit for consumption."

Once the task was complete, Kazuki shifted his focus to the rest of the mouflon. His voice remained a steady presence, guiding him through each step.

"Next, I'll quarter the mouflon," he said aloud, his tone determined despite the fatigue that settled in his bones.

With careful movements, he used his hunting knife to separate the front legs and hind legs from the carcass. He used a length of paracord he had brought with him to tie the legs together, creating manageable bundles. His motions were precise, a testament to his skill and the urgency of the situation.

Breathing deeply, Kazuki turned his attention to the remainder of the carcass. The knowledge that leaving it on the ground would attract predators kept him focused. He continued to speak aloud, his words a blend of practicality and companionship.

"Time to hoist this up a tree," he said, his voice carrying a note of determination. "I'll need to store it off the ground to keep it safe from scavengers."

With great effort, he managed to lift the carcass and secure it to a sturdy branch high above the ground. His muscles strained, his body protesting against the exertion, but he knew the importance of the task. He had to protect his hard-won harvest from the wild's watchful eyes.

Once the carcass was secure, Kazuki's thoughts turned to the meat he had quartered. His voice remained a constant presence as he explained his next steps.

"Now I'll need to transport the meat back to camp," he said aloud, his tone focused yet weary.

One by one, he slung the bundles of meat – the front legs and hind legs – over his shoulders. The weight was substantial, and his steps were slow and deliberate as he navigated the terrain. The sun's warm embrace accompanied his journey, casting elongated shadows as he moved through the forest.

The journey back to camp was a test of his endurance, the weight of the meat a constant reminder of his determination and the challenges he faced. Kazuki climbed up a tree near the camp and stored the meat and organs on a high branch, a temporary solution to keep them out of reach of predators.

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