Ch16: Indomitable Spirit

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With the first light of morning filtering through the trees, Kazuki eagerly sprang into action, driven by the anticipation of checking his snares and the newfound possibility of a successful fishing trap. He swiftly gathered his belongings, his focus honed on the day's tasks ahead.

As he reached the snares, he noted the catch – just one rabbit this time. He couldn't help but acknowledge the contrast from his past experiences, when days would often pass without a successful catch. "Guess I've been fortunate these past two weeks," he mused while resetting the traps, his fingers deftly working with the loops and cords.

Yet, his mind was already transitioning to the fishing trap. The thought of fresh, flaky fish by the fire made his mouth water, and he had to wipe away a droplet forming at the corner of his lips.

Reaching the riverbank, he gently placed the bag containing the rabbit catch on the ground, his eyes never straying from the spot where he had set the fish trap. His head subtly moved between the basket emerging from the water and his footing, guiding the process meticulously.

As the tug of the vine indicated a heavier load than the previous day, his heart quickened with excitement. The prospect of finally catching fish after so long was exhilarating. With careful precision, he hauled the trap, the anticipation palpable in the air.

And then, the moment of triumph arrived. Two shimmering fish lay before him, their vibrant colors dancing in the sunlight as they flopped in the makeshift basket. Kazuki moved away from the riverbank, mindful not to let them escape into the current. His heart raced with exhilaration as he admired the fruits of his labor, a victorious grin gracing his lips.

Ecstatic shouts filled the air as Kazuki deftly extracted the fish and placed them into his backpack, the weight of his catch a gratifying reminder of his success. The journey back to camp felt like a joyful jog, his whistling echoing through the woods as he relished the upcoming feast.

Once back at camp, he carefully stowed his catch and collected more rabbit offal for the fishing trap. Speaking to his backpack with a playful tone, he mused, "You like the offal, huh?" The weight of his pack was a comforting presence as he shouldered it once more, eager to return to the river.

The trap was set once again, its basket submerging into the water with the promise of more to come. Kazuki's determination was unshaken; he was already contemplating the idea of crafting additional traps to increase his chances.

Returning to camp once more, he established a cooking area and set about the intricate task of preparing the fish. Scaling and gutting them with practiced ease, he skillfully filleted the fish, readying them for the cooking process. Kindling a small fire, he skewered two fillets for grilling and placed the other two in a pot to create a hearty broth.

The aroma of cooking fish wafted through the air, a tangible reward for Kazuki's resourcefulness and determination. With the promise of a nourishing meal before him, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that his efforts were paying off in this fantastical world he now called home.

As the flames crackled and danced beneath the skewered fish, releasing their savory aroma into the air, Kazuki's anticipation grew. The scent was enchanting, a prelude to the feast that awaited him. He watched the fish sizzle and turn golden brown, the flames licking their tender flesh.

Finally, the moment arrived. With a sense of triumph and gratitude, Kazuki carefully removed the skewered fish from the fire, his fingers tingling with excitement. The fillets were cooked to perfection, their outer layers crisp and flavorful. He found himself unable to suppress the broad grin that stretched across his face – a reflection of his accomplishment and the anticipation of savoring this well-earned meal.

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