4) Sunghoon

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He's pretty.

I hate the thought as soon as I have it but it's too late to take it back now.

I guess it's not surprising, according to our spies the prince is a notorious playboy. A regular visitor to Barbol's most luxurious clubs and bars, even when hiding his identity he draws the attention of both women and men.

So no, I'm not surprised that he's attractive, but I am surprised that I'm noticing.

I'm not blind, I can recognise when someone is beautiful, I just don't ever feel anything about it.

But our kidnapped prince is hanging there upside down begging for the life of his friend, and I like the way he looks.

I've fucked girls before just for something to do, but I've never really desired anyone and have never particularly wanted to.

It seemed unnecessary.

Is this how it feels?

I'm observing Jaeyun as he squirms and his shirt slides down his body. He's fit for a borderline alcoholic, the only flaw to the perfect lines of his stomach is the fist-sized purple bruise.

I want to touch it.

I wonder if parts of my face will turn the same shade of purple where he head-butted me. My nose is throbbing with a dull ache, it's not broken but it still hurt.

It's a shame his face is so pretty, I was looking forward to returning the favour.

I crack my knuckles and snap myself out of my thoughts. Hee and Jay cut the prisoners free and I haul the little dark-red haired circus performer called Sunoo to his feet.

He's looking at me like he's torn between either crying or screaming at me for the state of his silk pyjamas. Dirt stains the knees and there's also blood splattered on them from where I shot Niki.

Jungwon reaches up to grab the trapeze bar and manages to gracefully flip himself down to his feet. Jaeyun on the other hand falls off as soon as he's released and crashes to the ground with a groan.

Heeseung laughs but offers a hand to help him up, which is completely ignored as Jaeyun slowly gets to his feet.

Hee reaches out again.

"You've got dirt in your hair."

Jaeyun slaps his hand away. "Don't touch me."

Heeseung tilts his head, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Why not? You seemed to enjoy it earlier."

What is he talking about? Whatever happened between them in the maze he obviously chose not to share it with me.

The thought of Heeseung getting to touch the prince before me pisses me off. I hate him, but Jaeyun should be mine to play with.

The prince glares, cheeks growing pink, but he's unable to form a response.

"Where's Niki?" He asks instead.

"Being treated." Hee replies. "You'll get to see him tomorrow once you've given us more information."

Back in business mode, Heeseung turns to Jungwon, who is watching Sunoo anxiously.

"Our team will be staying with your troupe for a while. What provisions do you have?"

The circus leader hesitates, so I give a little cough as a gentle reminder that I'm here threatening his friend with a gun. It inspires him to speak.

"We have guest tents you can use." He reluctantly shares.

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