11) Jay

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Hello, sorry I know it's been a hot minute since the last update but I'm back!

Thank you for all the love you've been giving this story x


I'm not being dramatic when I say that EVERYTHING hurts.

I've taken a few beatings over the years, but this was definitely one of the worst, and Sunghoon doesn't hesitate to tell me that I look as bad as I feel.

The rival gang came for Jaeyun, but they also wanted information from me; Blessed-Cursed trade secrets, and our plans for the Akran prince.

I obviously didn't give them anything, and my silence was smug as I took the punches.

Surprisingly, Jaeyun also decided to stay quiet, which earned him a beating of his own.

I actually felt bad for him, so I drew the thugs' attention back to me with a few petty insults.

I laughed when one of them drove their fist into my side, and told them my grandmother hits harder.

They didn't like that very much.

Honestly I was prepared to die, but eventually they got bored and left me alone, so I let my head hang and my eyes close.

I was too tired to look up again, even when the shouting and gunfire started, even when there was a knife at my neck, and even as I begged Sunghoon not to stab himself.

But then the sound of a single gunshot ricochetted through the air and the rival gang leader fell to the ground behind me. Somehow I didn't even need to look to know who'd fired it but I managed to raise my head anyway, and I swear my heart leapt.


He was standing there with the gun still raised, and every eye in the camp was on him in absolute shock.

Then my vision blurred, and my head dropped back down. When I was freed I fell forward into someone's arms.

"Jay?" Jungwon's voice sounded quietly in my ear and I instantly relaxed into his chest, breathing in the scent of him.

I would've been content to stay right there all night, but all to soon I was lifted away.

I could barely see where we were going as I was half carried back to our camp with each arm around the shoulders of two of my Blessed-Cursed unit.

The next thing I knew, I was somewhere inside, and they were helping me peel off my clothes so I could take a bath. It had already been prepared and it was steaming.

The warm water stung my skin, but it felt good and I sighed as I sank into it.

I thanked the members and they left me to go and fetch the doctor. I tipped my head back to rest against the rim of the tub and stared at the ceiling of Jungwon's cabin. I'd heard him tell them to bring me here, but he didn't come in with us.

I was in pain, but I clenched my teeth and scrubbed the dried dirt and blood off me. And then, holding my breath, I let my head submerge.

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