Chapter 2 - cake

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German    Catalan/Spanish

Adella's pov:

Today we were off to France. It was also Lina's birthday and I had to pick up a cake on the way to the airport where we were meeting everyone else.

'G are you ready?' I banged on the door of her flat but got no answer. I went to knock again but the door flew open just before.

'I'm ready I'm ready' she said rushing out the door bags in hand. I kissed her cheek in greeting, like I did to everyone, and we stepped into the lift. G didn't have a car yet so I had been driving her places but I didn't mind. She was good company.

We got to the airport to see everybody already there. I got the cake out and me and G walked in singing happy birthday. The rest of the girls joined in and Caro put a little hat on Lina who was going red.

At the end of the song me and Klara grabbed one of her legs each while Caro and Giulia held her upper body and we lifted her off the ground. We tried to throw her up but we were all out of sinc and Lina ended up on the floor. She leaned against her backpack looking relaxed. She then tried to get up but I grabbed her legs and pulled her along the floor laughing so hard. She looked at me and the look on her face had me rolling on the floor crying with laughter.

The plane to Toulouse was long. I was sat next to Syd for a bit but got bored to went for a walk down the plane. I was so tired but my thoughts were to loud and I couldn't sleep. I found G by herself near the back watching a film on her phone eating some of Lina's birthday cake. I stood there smiling sweetly at her.

'Come on then sit down trouble' she said and I happily did so blushing slightly at the nickname. I sat there awkwardly for a minute until she open her arms. I leaned into her and she wrapped her arms around me. I nestled into her chest while she continued to watch her film and was grateful for the silence her embrace provided.

Later we all went out for dinner for Lina's birthday and I got to show off my French skills. It was fun but I was exhausted and went straight to bed when we got to the hotel.


I woke up buzzing with excitement.  I hadn't see Ale in so long and she was going to be at the game today. I also get to play against all my Spanish girls and I was just a tad competitive. I knew it hadn't been very long since I last saw them but they were my family and I still missed them loads.

I ran down to breakfast full of excitement pulling Syd with me.

'Hola chichas' I said as I sat down next to G kissing her cheek as I did so. Lina and Syd looked at each other and I frowned but brushed it off not letting anything ruin my mood.

'No Spanish please' Caro said and I stuck my tongue out at her.

'It was Catalan silly' I said.

'Same thing'

'Tana! I missed you' I yelled excitedly running towards her.

'Ella!' She said and I hugged her tightly before kissing her cheek. I looked over her shoulder to see another one of my favourite people.

'Maria!' I yelled and jumped at her. She caught me and spun me round while I laughed happily.

'I think there is someone who wants to see you more than us'  Mapi said and pointed to 2 people standing taking. I looked and it was Alexia with her crutches.

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